Author: DIEabolical Map Name: Wild West Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Small Player Count: 4-12 Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag, Infection, Slayer, Yee Haw __________________________________________________ Description: Wild West map Download YeeHaw gametype Download
Straight up awesome. If you were to make this into cops n' robbers, I think it would be a good 8 and a half times better. In fact when I saw the eighth pic, I thought it was cause it looked like a cell. (Oh wait it is). Great job bro! I'll dl just cuz it's awesomeness.
This map looks pretty sick. I need to get a few people to try out a game on this to really test it out.
Diabolical D is my reason for living... ...Well, not really. He's still pretty cool though This is another amazing map, and it is one that I shall soon try out with a party. I'll get back to you with any concerns after playing. For right now, though, the map looks Freaking Awesome.
Can we take a moment and remember that DIEabloical just released a map?! I have a theory that he is actually a map-making machine made for one purpose... The maps looks sick as always, but I am proud that it looks like you balanced the weapons well, even if you loaded it with nades. Are you supposed to steal mongooses and drive around? And by mongooses I mean horses of course. You do know that you can bust people out of bars with a mongoose right? I'll be back in a few days, so we can play it then.
This map looks beautiful... it is better than anything that I have ever made. i've tested it out, and it has way better spawn system than most maps but there was once or twice where we spawned into enemy area and got pummeled... =( overall, i LOVED this map...
u never seem to disappoint ,, nice map....but one question...dontcha think there will b a problem wit ppl going outside the map...and jus wonderoff?.....but i guess u can make sum small towns outside of dis one... and they jus take mongeese of to them....jus suggesting...but great job
Ive played it and i see nothing wrong with that i can see. The robbers idea would be good. Mabye they could steal from a bank and try and get away in a mongoose (horse). The cops could outnumber them so the robbers have to work together to keep their prize.
this is a great map, i like the idea and if you plan on releasing a new version a couple small towns would be really cool. Overall 5/5 great job for such a simple idea. EDIT: I'm not a real fan of the whole floating train and stage coach, if you could figure out a way to make it look like they were conected to the ground it would be cool. Also if you could id like to see some sort of railroad track for the train.