I just had to center this... because Slipknot deserves center stage, I owe them my life... CnC plox(wtf is plox anyway?)...
Looks cool, I dont really like slipnot, but ya sig looks cool. I like the green and purple sparks or sprinkles that pop out around the render
Thanks man I didn't even see the sparkles, oh just incase everyone is aware, I was working against a bright surface while making this signature so it is recommended that you base your critique on using the bright forge hub skin.
Meh, I dont like the colors much at all. And the C4D is pretty bad. But I like it nonetheless. P.S. What is your Skype?
Are you hating cause I didn't vote for you in SOTW lol? P.S. I do not like/have Skype I have MSN , either way I am going off to my xbox like like 10 minutes...
Alright sounds good, I will be on shortly, we can play some Halo if you want, I let my friend borrow Merc2. *Sorry for going offtopic there* Anymore CnC for me people? Please more comments I want to improve on GFX, I feel that I am not at my peak.