this is my first ever youtube video, so pl0x no harrassment... WATCH ALL THE WAY THROUGH ASSHOLES *cough* rey *cough*
....Where's the video? Edit: Eh, nothing too special. At first I was like "That laser is more trouble than it's worth", but you proved me wrong . You and I both share mad Splazer skills my friend.
lmao this is so awesome because it always happens to me too. i strive to get the lazer and something always stops me :[ and i usually pwn in the end with it good job!
nice double laser kill man. And was that a triple kill from the grave that you got with the nade?....if so that was better than the double laser.
unfortunately, that was a single kill, and if you look closely, a rocket sneaks in and cleans up the other two, it happens almost instantaneously...but i (moves on to next poster) I didn't show the medals in the beginning because i didn't want people seeing it wasn't a triple kill =] ya, i said it, sue me... capture card = 100$ ysplitter = 5$ 2gig flash drive to transfer from xp computer to vista = 20$ also going to get svideo jack for about...20$ i i can have microphone usage at the same time =] pinnacle dazzle for the not works obviously...but god damn it took 3 days to set up (tried setting up on vista(DONT DO THAT BTW)). I ended up getting it to work on my xp though, and i have to transfer the **** from the xp to the vista (xp is broke as hell, does not have internet...) in summary: epic win getting a cap card though imo...I thoroughly enjoy the theatre mode of halo..and now i can share it to my people =]
Is this why y-splitter necessary/what does it do? Does the capture card get audio automatically or do you have to buy this svideo you speak of to do such?
Nice video. One thing that would help make it better would be to add more subtitles throughout the video.
It makes it so you can have the video and audio going through your TV and your Capture Card. If you have it just connected to the Capture Card, the video on the computer lags. So having it on both, you can capture it and see it in real time. The S-Video cable is just an other video connector like the yellow cord. Video's pretty good. What I'd suggest for next time is to not have the film time, player name or film controls up.
i laugh at all you kids, who cant set up a pinnacle capture card on vista, because with the right knowledge, and computer smarts its easy. 3 days huh? massive fail eh? Anyways, you shouldnt of rushed for that laser, it would of been easier to stand back a bit, help you teamates slay, then go and grab it.. that simple. But no you rushed in for it and died twice. GJ.
Pretty cool. That's what sometimes happens to me. But, the warthog you go killed by at the begining of the video was unneccessary and made you look bad.
I have the pinnacle also and its great for me. It works perfectly with my mac (leopard). Mac > PC And its also great quality...even after i put it on youtube. Not trying to advertise but just check out: YouTube - Sniper No-scope Montage - Jaxon90 (Good Quality) The quality is fantastic. And btw, At first the video seemed really slow, but it got better at the end. Id say you need a little music for the first half of it, and then fade it out to have you pwning with the splazer. just an idea =)
oh cmon penguin...that is rather insulting, i have plenty of "computer smarts" and when i say 3 days, i mean about 2 hours a day -_- also...this was when standoff just came out, didn't know better tactics back then...oh and i reaaaally wanted my laser...
Jesus Christ you guys, it was just a splazer video, and now everyone is criticizing his Halo skills. I guarantee that each one of you has rushed it at some time. So shut up. Btw, nice double laser man. I've only done that once, when I got the achievement in Lone Wolves. Two guys were teaming up on a Mongoose (Even though it was Lone Wolves) and I picked up the laser.... Sweet revenge.
rofloflofl, thanks black, much obliged... anyways, 2for1's aren't too difficult really imo...just a matter of luck...basically, just practice your aiming skills with it, and eventually, they line up like nubs, rofl (i've got a 3for1...not in vehicle, that was epic)
A 3 for 1? Man. I wish. Well, I just put up a video (Much thanks to T3chnomonkey) of me getting a ricochet 2 for 1 with the sniper. It's in my sig. Check it out. But honestly, I don't know why people get so worked up about mentoring you about how to play Halo. Sorry about that.