Introduction Y halo thar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by l Zephyr l, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. l Zephyr l

    l Zephyr l Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I are Zephyr. I are 16. I think. I have been playing Halo 3 for a while and only recently got into Forge, finding out that it's really freaking addicting.

    I am not so good at Forging though. My brother's (real life) friend is who got (moreso 'inspired') me into Forging, since he helped build the infamous 'I AM LEGEND' map.

    My request is to have people within this community to help me out/teach me the basics of Forging and go on from there. I'm hoping I can find someone who is patient enough. =D

    So if there are any people in my lonely lil' corner here, you will win my undying love (notrlylol). My gamertag is I Zephyr l. I am on what I call 'life support', which is surviving on one months.

    tl;dr: HALP

  2. Raspberrypicker

    Raspberrypicker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    welcome to the forums. I never thought I would be a good forger, but all it takes is enthusiasm. After some practice you'll start getting good and never have to ask for party leader again, lol.

    Some techniques you'll figure out on your own, but there are some good tutorials on this site.

    Make sure you learn these:
    1. floating objects (other than the stacking method)
    2. interlocking objects
    3. geomerging objects
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    hay. welcome to forgehub and thanx for becoming a part of our comunity. just mae sure you read and follow all the rules andyou will do fine here.

    btw im blaze, if you need any help just ask me.. ill help you the best i can and if i cant help you ill send you to some1 who can.
  4. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome I does you to. Greetings from forgehub to me. May the force be with you. Yoda.

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