Sorry if you don't understand lolspeak. Anyways, I'm XxShadyBradyxX. That's also my Gamertag, but you can call me Justin. I joined Forgehub a while ago, but I kinda forgot about it, but then I got into forging and thought I'd give Forgehub another go. I hope the Forgehub community doesn't rape me for my bad forging ability, though. That's basically why my good friend, Toasted Kittuns, practically quit Forgehub. He also said that many of the people in the Forgehub community are assholes. I just hope formally introducing myself will help avoid the assholes of Forgehub. There can't be much flaming in this kind of sub-forum, right? I'm still not entirely familiar with the 'coding' of posts, so could someone tell me how to do the following in posts: How to make a 'spoiler' thing How to put a link in text (for example, typing 'download here' and putting the link to the download within the text) How to embed YouTube or Vimeo vids. Kthnxbai. I hope to become a regular member of FH soon.
Welcome to Forgehub, ShadyBrady. I'd like to get you situated properly so that you can enjoy Forgehub to the fullest extent. If you haven't already I recommend that you take a look over the Rules. By doing so you'll most likely decrease the chance of doing something wrong. As long as you're good member on the site and follow the rules I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. Since you're joining a Forging site like FH I would like to explain how to post your maps if you desire to do so. There are some things that you ought to know before posting your maps. Here are the rules and guidelines of posting a map that which will give you some key information before posting it. Along with posting your map, you may or may not be confused when it comes to embedding pictures. There are two methods of embedding screen shots and they can be found Here and Here. In order to make a spoiler you simply do the following: Spoiler text goes here[ /spoiler] But you need to remove the space before the back slash in order for it to work. Also here is a list of all the BB codes and how they work. The button to the right of the color button(The A) is the link button. You simply copy the link you want, highlight the text that you want to be hyperlinked, click the Insert Link button, paste the link into the white bar, and click ok. To embed Youtube videos you can simply copy the url and paste it onto Forgehub, it will then automatically embed the video. This thread also contains some neat information that you may want to know, or if you don't know you can learn what they are. If you need any more help with anything, or have any questions, feel free to contact me, or any other member on the site. I hope you enjoy the site and hopefully you understand everything I went over that you asked in the original post. If you need any more help with anything, or have any questions, feel free to contact me, or any other member on the site.
To start off, tis called l33t speak. Second, to make a spoiler, you do this Spoiler [/spoiiler] I mispelled spoiler so that it wouldn't actually make one. Spoiler C what I did thar? To make hyperlinks, which I think is what you want, just click on the little world thing on your little bar of ultimate tools at the top when writing a message. See When typing a message, you just copy and paste the link, it will embed for you. Ok, das it.
sup, welcome to FH. You're friend is somwhat right by the fact that some forgers withe less of an ability do gt hammered for being bad, but there is other things that go along with it. mos tof these forgers that (quite frankly) suck at forging seem to think they're hot stuff and all of us that are trying to help them are the ones whom should be screamed at. if you want to get better at forgeing there arfe teachers around this site that can help you. i am one of the teachers, not so much for forging, but for vehicular teacher. if not forging then you could take pics. hope to see your work soon, -mav.
woo, 'bout time you joined this hellhole, justin. so don't piss the people off, they are like the zombie horde, except for the mods, they're kinda like tanks... one hit and BLAM you're feckin dead.