"XCM or ECM (Extreme Card Manipulation) is the most visual branch of live performance with cards which is also called "Flourishing". Flourishes are not "works of magic" in and of themselves, but rather lend a difficulty and dexterity level to any magic routine that is performed. In their present form, playing cards have only been around for about two hundred years, but the techniques that are applied to their handling are ageless. As those techniques are improved and refined, the Master Card Conjurer is able to not only find a selected card hidden in the deck, but so manipulate the cards through artistry that the magic "trick" turns into a "card kata" of sorts (much like the martial artists who know how to wield a sword, but at the same time, can place together a group of movements to demonstrate skill in a given set). " Source So yeah This is what i do everywhere whenever im bored. Go to school nothing to do? Listen to my Music and XCM the whole class. At home an nothing to do? XCM. Personally people have given good comments when i do it at school or in public, but some just say "To much time on your hands" or "No-Life". But yeah thought i would share If you want to know anything else just ask! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzjUHtgIVME&feature=player_embedded[/media][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pSWZP3WCj0&feature=player_embedded[/media][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxLxdzM_198&feature=player_embedded[/media]
I mean, I like the concept but I just don't think I would spend my time doing it. Maybe a video of some of the stuff you do? It looks like it takes a lot of practice and determination. Not some of my key... uh... skills
This is the first time that i have heard an seen this and yea, its awsome. Its seems that it would take alot of practice to get down like YouTuber said. I think that who ever does say "to much time on your hands" and/or "no life" (like you said) shouldnt even comment, its ether they didnt care or just jelious, so if somehow that gets you down, you shouldnt pay attention to them. but yea, thats just awsome. im sure i coulndnt do it even with practice.