Just talking with Insane, and i happen to bring up one oh my hobbies, 'XCM'. If you dont know what it is look at these quick vids. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8rlLG4lkBAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5TRhiQ5QXk&feature=related I was just wondering if anyone else on FH, actually does this
The first video made it seem similar to Yu-Gi-Oh because they were all like 'Let's duel!'. Or was that just my imagination?
I'm taking it you like to mess around with your hands or something? Rofl. Nah, JK. So, you like weird cards? It reminds me of when Yu Gi Oh was first released a real ards and the producers made Millions of cash with them. I see that you call it "XCM?"
Very very interesting KB. If we were to battle. I'd win by making you play 52 card pick-up. Seriously though, those hands move way to fast for me.
When people hear "cards" they think games or magic. Every time i bring my cards out random students are like "do a magic trick!!#!" And yes speed is fast (that really the point of the illusion ;D )
I think i am going nto have a sezuire on the first one. but overall that looks very extreme very interesting hobby.
wow, ur hidden talent. Thats just awesome, really. How long have you've been doing this? And are you as good as the ones in those vids?