Xoxocti Pronounced "Sho-Shoke-Tea" Well, since I've been lurking around these forums for way too long without having a whole lot to show for it, I figured I'd try my hand at planning a map in SketchUp. I hope you guys don't mind the obscure title, which, BTW, means "Green" in Nahuatl, the native tongue of the Aztecs. I chose this because I'm relatively "green" myself when it comes to putting maps up on FH. Alright, enough blabbering, PICS! The Front of the Temple Right Side Front Head-On View The Sacrificial Table (Soon to be Chamber) The Ramps Behind the Table, going to the Crypt The Crypt (A Work in Progress) The Back Tunnel Please bear in mind that this is still a work in progress, I just wanted to post it to get some feedback and make changes if necessary. Feel free to provide some constructive criticism, and I'll be grateful.
I highly reccomend that you do NOT use walls pieces as a floor, they are bumpy and any slight bump can cause a spartan to jump, and destroy staffing. If it is at all possible i would try to use Huge Blocks or Tall Blocks to replace them, because that is something that is difficult to overcome.
It looks great aesthetics-wise, but the upper floor looks way too open, although being a 'work in progress' map, I can understand that. Maybe have more columns going down the middle? That could add to aesthetics and help the gameplay with lines of site and stuff. Also, are you planning on making anymore or levels go underneath or expanding the area near the crypt?
Okay, I will keep that in mind. Thanks. I only used the walls for this so you could see down into the crypt, and I will definitely be replacing them with Huge blocks. And Hobo, yes, the top floor will be made into rooms and chambers, along with the crypt being developed. I should be able to post some updated pictures tomorrow, although I have to work. RL sucks doesn't it?
If you really want to use walls, go for it. I've been using them as my floor on my current map and they're fine as long as you ghost merge every one of them.
Its both, every piece you ghost merge has a chance to tilt about 3 to 5 % in any direction, so it is all luck if you want to use walls, i recommend not to just because the bumps do show up more often with walls. but great looking map, i really like the aesthetics, and in the 3rd picture the corner larges making a archway for the passageway.
Save quitting whilst ghost merging has been found to remove this problem.... Anyway, the map itself looks great.. To me it looks like it has a lot of potentia for expansive purposes. I'd also keep the top mid section open, because the rest of the map seems alot more enclosed already. Plus it'd give the feel of like entering a massive hall when playing on the map.
' I don't think I understand when you say "massive hall" but I can probably use my imagination . I thank ye for the compliment, and I will try to post some updated pictures sometime soon.
Hmm I like the design, not keen on the name though I'm more keen on the name of the language spoken by aztecs. I would build more and expand the map as it seems kind of small at the moment. Oh and I thought if you're going for an Aztec themed map you have the sands of the ground level built perfectly for that.