Xmas ShowdownLet's all sit around the explosive Christmas treeHere comes Spartan Claus!Yet another white Christmas on SnowboundWhen elves attack!Wow, a set of maulers! just what i always wanted Description This is a Infection variant which works best on my specially designed snowbound map. With Xmas around the corner I decided to make this map and gametype combo to help pass the time after Xmas dinner. The game starts off with one red zombie (Santa), his job is to hunt down all the bad boys and girls and turn them into elves (complete with green armour). If you are on Santa's naughty list, you have to search the map for opened presents (containers) which contain weapons which a crucial to your survival (lets just hope granny didn't give you a magnum this year). Comes complete with a wonky explosive tree (if you can do better, be my guest) and a trip mine star on top. Handy tips -Look under the tree for a bit of help if you're the last man standing -Some more of the power weapons can be found outside of the boundaries Notes -This map has not been tested, but there isn't that much that can go wrong on it anyway. -The screenshots don't truly show off this map particularly well, it'll look better than it does when it has people running around like headless chickens screaming "Santa's Coming!!!" Download Download Map Download Gametype
This does sound a little fun. I's christmassy. better screen shots would be apreciated. going to download tomarrow or later tonigbht when i get home.
the reason it hasn't got better shots is because i wan't been able to get a group of people big enough to play it to show what happens.
The concept is funny, but you need to know the back story for it to be special. Otherwise I think this will be just another infection map...
I added some pictures from my quick play test today, didn't take many because we didn't have that many to really show the map off. Anybody who has downloaded found any problems with it?