Ok first off i have been photoshoping since Photoshop Elements... so i have alot of experience i use Photoshop CS3 Extended the latest version. Some examples of my work are my current sig.. Feel free to request using the following format: When picking an imgae please try to make it a render ( A picture with no background) possibly from www.planetrenders.net Image to be used:Link to image Colors: Dark,Warm,Cool,Light..etc Style: Grungy,Underwater...etc Animation: yes/no If yes please specify(Moving text,Rain,Moving light..etc) Border: yes/no if yes pelase give color and size in pixels please for those of you who are lazy or dont feel like typing heres this Code: <b>Image:</b>(link)<br><b>Colors:</b><br>Style:<br>Animation:</b>Yes/No</b><br><b>Border:</b>Yes/No
Except that code wont work on the forums... I like the first two the best, the second one better than the first. The font in all of them don't blend very well however...
I like the font you gave the first sig. Oh and the coding worked for me. I just copied it into the area were the sig is displayed when creating my signature and it appeared.
Image to be used: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v618/gobes/cool.jpg You may use any part of this image! Colors: Dark & Cool Style: W/E you want to do Animation: Yes, Rain plez Border: A blurred border if possible. W/E color you think works best! Text: Put 'Metroshell' somewhere in the sig with THE "BASE 02" TEXT ON FONTS 500. Put 'Seasons Don't Fear The Reaper' in smaller text with the same text style. The colors of the text should blend a little with the background! Thanks!!!
ok here you go tell me what you think.. if you want anything changed (IMG)http://i31.tinypic.com/t5hp3t.gi(/IMG) Replace ( and ) with [ and ]
lets see if your better than al cpwnage. Heres my stuff: Color: grey and green (darkish) Picture: dont have access to bungie.net but its on my fileshare and its just a pic of me standing there, im green and grey in it Style: Dirty, but foresty (if that makes sense lol) border: yes, black, 2 pixels
I don't mean to give a, "I want to see what you can do." request, but, "I want to see what you can do." Image to be used: Your choice of a halo 3 related one from planet renders Colors: cool. a mixture of light blue and silver, with black in some areas. Style: No grunge at all. I want a smooth sig with a glossy look Animation: yes- flickering fire if you could, but make it blue fire like on the tips of hot flames, except the whole thing Border: yes, 3, black. If its awesome enough and the flickering flames don't look too bad, I might use it for a sig!
ok il see what i can do.. since i cant make wiggums till he gives me a link to his screenshots so yea
That's great, Blivion! Just one thing. Could you make another copy with the text a little lighter, plez? And if possible, the image a little lighter. Tanx@!
yea i know i posted that before you pmed me back ok so al capwnage here it is doesnt looks as good as it did in adobe after effects but there it is (IMG)http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn157/XKGxOblivion/AlCapwnage-1.gif(/IMG) Replace ( and ) with [ and ]