I had no idea where to put this. Xeno Xeno is a puzzle map i made a while ago.I consider it fairly decent, not incredibly hard, but decent.Not much to describe, all i can say is solve it and have fun. Oh, and yes i did place the spawn points/teleporters towards walls, just to annoy people. REQUIRES THE GAMETYPE PHOBIA! Pics: Have fun with this part. One of the most hated parts: Yes, there's 2 territories:
Hm, half decent post. But it is up to standards. Could you please be more descriptive in your threads and also pics of all of each section of the puzzle.
Right, I guess I'll shed some light for you. Puzzle Maps go in the Mini-Games sections. So you got that right. The post is up to standards like linubidix said, but it could be better. I would recommend looking at map posts by some of the older members(Matty, Shock Theta, and Mallet are a few examples.) As for the map...It looks pretty decent as well(though a wee bit sloppy) Interlocking could have made it better look( and maybe even play better too!) No DL, my Halo 3 is dead.
Puzzle looks decent, but I wouldn't have placed the spawns facing walls, even though it's a joke, people won't get it