Hey forgehub welcome to my thread. This is MLG Xenisis which was made a long time ago back in April before ghostgerging existed but I have been to lazy to post it. It supports Team Flag, Team Oddball, and Team slayer. Well Ill leave the rest of the talking to the pics. Hope you enjoy :0 Here is a requested weapons list: (if im wrong about how many weapons there are or any plz remember I finished this map a long long long time ago) Br x 6 Carb x 2 Remember to RATE DOWNLOAD AND COMMENT DownLoad LInk>>>>>>>Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Looks fantastically simple. The design looks easy to learn, and seems like it would function well. Im gonna give this a DL and take a closer look. What are the recommended party sizes for this? It doesn't seem like it could take a full party of 8. Maybe 3v3?
This looks like a fantastic 2v2 map. If anything I would hope you could add KoTH support. Oddball and hill would probably rock with smaller teams on this map.
This map looks great and even better considering it is before ghost mearging! Its not to much to take in, which is good for MLG maps because i like to know were my players are ect. could you post a weapon list plzzzz
theres A LOT of areas where the architexture could have been improved if you planned this a little more. as far as the middle goes tho it looks great. as far as spawning goes though. (i assume this is a 1v1 2v2 deal) you switch sides after the othr team rushes ur base and rapes you right?
There's a block off to the side of the map sitting on the skybubble floor that you can jump to. You should definitely delete that. Also, by lowering your runtime maximums down to their normal level, and decreasing the grenade and weapon runtimes down significantly, you can earny yourelf close to 50 bucks more, which would be nice for eaither a bit more geometry, or some more added red and blue lights
Haven't played this yet, but just wanted to jump in here and mention that in MLG, power weapons are supposed to be as high on runtime max as possible. That's why drop spawning works, because the maximum is high it drops until it hits that number. It should be enough that you are certain (or practically certain) nobody can hold onto a power weapon for the whole game...though there is the fact that dirtying exists, but whhhaaatever.
No way i thought I deleted that block! Its a angled block isint it? Any way im not sure what you mean about getting an extra 50 bucks, and none of the weapons are drop spawned. If you want to make a v2 of the map where their is no block and you add a few extra things with the 50 bucks and maybe drop spawn the weapons then your fully welcome. It should only take a couple of hours. Tell me if your interested?
Yep its an angled block lol. To get more money, navigate to scenery and drop down the run-times of every object as low as it will go. There was at least one item that had a pretty high number, and it free'd up a good amount of money. Your BR's and grenades can also have their run-times dropped down significantly, freeing up another 20+ bucks. It really would only take like 2 minutes, then you'd be able to do whatever you wish with the money. I don't wish to create a v2 for you, though I do like the map. I have my own projects to work on But if you have the time, Id love to see what you could come up with. Maybe even just deck out some cool aesthetics here and there for more flavor. Another set of lights would definitely be cool, or combining a red and blue one in the middle for a white light would be nice. I still haven't been able to play an actual game on it yet, but I do hope I get the opportunity to soon. Perhaps Ill be back then to offer comments on gameplay instead of just the geometry and forge monies
You do realize that there's a 30 second respawn on the overshield and sniper? I also really like the layout. Send me a message if you want my help fixing for v2.
Love this. played some brs snipers on it and was terrific. Really good job, felt like this needed to be said.
I checked this out and I love the design. The layout is awesome, though a few things could be interlocked for a better look. You should def. get rid of the angled block in the middle of nowhere out side the map and do as Lights said with the weapons and plasma nades. I also wanted to point out that you only need to use 1 starting point, the rest of the team will spawn at the surrounding respawn points. I also recommend you change the flag spawn/return points. It only takes like 4 seconds to get from one to the other and they are on low ground on both sides so there is plenty of cover to make it the easiest flag run ever. I also noticed that you just placed the weapons and you didnt even adjust any of the respawn rates and the Oddball spawns right on the Custom powerup. Thats probably a bad idea. If I were you, I would set the powerup to place at start no so the rush at the beginning wont get the ball carrier recieving the custom at the same time. Thats just a few things I noticed which would be taken care of by a few test games and adjustments. I would really like this to work out cuz the map looks awesome but these gameplay problems really take away from the map. If you do all these changes let me know and I will have another looksy. Oh yeah, you should fix the flickering that is a hassle in some areas in the map. Its wierd playing on a map that is flashing like a Disco ball, lol.
I couldn't put it better. It also has great forging! The map has a simple yet symmetric layout but seems assymetric while playing. Even something as simple as diagonal walls make the map seem just a little better.
I really love this map. I think converting this to a competitive map would be awesome, but I digress. Like someone else said, sniper and custom power-up are on 30 second respawn, gotta change that. Also, there are a few gaps between floor and wall pieces around the bases were grenades can slip through the map which should be fixed. Other than that, good job, keep up the good work.