Im not sure if "leaking" would be a great importance, but if you havnt seen this list, you would be amazed: Group Voice Chats Remove Payment (FROM CONSOLE) More Gamer Info in profile Know what people are watching This list I have just read is completely amazing...WELL IM NOT GOING TO BE A HOG!, read it yourself...
I will finally be able to delete the stupid games from my gamercard that I have 0g for, that's been bugging me for awhile.
Same here, metal slug 3 is fun when Im downloading something, but dont have any gamerscore for this so.
this is a rumor ya know " When we contacted Microsoft to verify the authenticity of the list, we were told "We don’t comment on rumors or speculation, but what we can tell you is we’ve never seen this list before." Obviously, consider this rumor and/or speculation for now, especially in light of the official statement and the clearly unofficial sourcing of this information. If we hear anything more concrete, anything straight from the source, we'll let you know."
Awwww, you just had to ruin the fun.... Now I'm sad, although I still hope this it true. It would be nice.
Dude, i just read all this from the RvB website, and searched for an existing thread about it. Coincidence that it's the same link ;P I really like the better arrangement of games on your gamercard. I rent a lot of games from my library, never get achievements on them, and it makes me look rich and . So now, i'll just delete those And the chat thing is pretty neat too i guess. Never really was a fan of chats thoguh., more of an everyone-talking-to-kinda-guy
Same here. It's especially annoying when it shows the arcade game that you played via demo. I dunno, it just bugs me. Also exited about the removal of payment options. I had been using my moms credit card but now that I'm out on my own, I wanna use the prepaid cards. I hope at least these two things come to pass.