Xbox One

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AnotherClaymore, May 21, 2013.

  1. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Very true. I think we should return on topic and discuss our aspirations for E3.

    Also this:

    #101 Oli The G, May 23, 2013
    Last edited: May 23, 2013
  2. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Yeah. And yes, noticed it too :p
  3. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Halo 3 Remake would be sick.
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    So, RYSE is confirmed as an XboxOne exclusive. I'm glad this game is finally going to see the light of day.
  5. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Good, I'm glad they're rethinking a lot of things. I know they want to push Kinect but I don't think they're going to make it as obtrusive as it was meant to be.
  6. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Ive said sometime before that the day-z standalone would be awesome to have, xbox one could run it well, the developers said they wanted to bring it to consoles and i THINK that they come out around the same time? Could be wrong about that. I personally think this would be an amazing launch title and as day-z is so popular would not be a bad move on microsofts part either.

    EDIT: oops, forgot to quote the post. This is in regards to the question about speculation of launch titles on page 10.
    #106 Waterfall, May 23, 2013
    Last edited: May 23, 2013
  7. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I think it would be more likely on the PS4 in all honesty because of all the streaming capabilities, in addition to the open-endedness of the platform in comparison to Microsoft's. Day Z in its current state doesn't really lend itself to the controller either because of how it uses just about every key on the keyboard to interact with the environment and with your identity. I can't imagine a Day Z without the num-pad to look over your shoulders, among other hotkeys. From my understanding, they're even contemplating making a key to just hold up your weapon to prevent kill-on-sight gameplay.

    I don't really understand where these rumours are coming from though... Why would people assume it's being ported to the next-gen consoles? It might be able to handle the graphics but the gameplay would be so much different. Then again, there's Minecraft which really reinvented crafting and I guess they could integrate it with Kinect for some things which would be pretty awesome imo.

    Edit: You can keep up with their Dev Blog here,
    #107 Furry x Furry, May 23, 2013
    Last edited: May 23, 2013
  8. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    I cant recall my source but i seem to recall reading SOMEWHERE that they wanted to port it to next gen consoles if sales went well on PC. As for controls, i have never played day-z so forgive my ignorance but cant a lot of things be done on the scroll wheel? Thats preety easy to replicate on xbox, push back then go down to choose the action you want, and for looking over your shoulder, if you are in a jet in bf3 you can push down on the d pad and look around, this could easily be done in day z. Obviously moving shooting crouching is self explanatory. Rooling could be as simple as moving sideways while prone, not sure what else to cover for controls because, as i said i have never played day-z on PC games for that matter. Also, thanks for the link, i will follow their projects.

    edit: found this link, day z already functions on xbox controller, just go to the controler on the links to the side.

    edit 2: found where the "rumors" are from. One of the devs themselvs said a console port is "highly likely" below is the quote

    Hall also shed light on his aspirations for a console build of DayZ Standalone, and also teased that he has a new project in the works that he hopes to share soon.

    “I personally think that, assuming we don’t majorly screw up, once the PC development has stabilized and sales have been good – a console port would be very likely. So, do I think a console port will happen? Yes. But not until the PC is done. And by ‘done,’ I mean finished its creative process.”

    Also from hall v

    “Certainly I think if we don’t, for want of a better word ‘**** up,’ the PC release then I would say a console port is almost certian"

    "Dean stated that he has already discussed things with Sony and while he can’t reveal the concrete details" (this article was written before the xboxone reveal so they could not say anything about xbox.)

    these quotes are not meant to mock you or make a fool of you in any way, i amjust getting my hopes up!

    so the combination of the fact that the mod already supports xbox controls and the high hopes from the devs leads me to believe an xbox one release. Again, this is merely speculation, but a man can dream right?
    #108 Waterfall, May 23, 2013
    Last edited: May 23, 2013
  9. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Just think, now every time your Xbox crashes and you have to send it in (& it will) you'll be out on not only your gaming, but your cable & blu ray too! Unless of course you still have all those other devices as well, but what's the point in that?

    I guess it's pretty cool to have all that stuff in one device but most people do have all that stuff already so it kinda sux to have to pay so much for stuff you don't need. Not to continue the negatives but I agree with that point.

    Ill try to be positive too. Graphics should improve and the next forge should be better with frame rate. Too bad I'm probably not buying this box until its price drops in a year or two.
  10. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Don't forget, the first few versions of the new Xbox will have bugs, waiting for a while gets you past the initial bugs and makes it better for you if you are a first time owner. I waited for mine like, two days after they came out, went through 5 of them until now, it seems pretty well settled in and a lot fewer bugs to speak of!

    The graphics I saw at the premier were pretty spectacular, but I'm not so sure I will just run out and buy one right away just because it is new.
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    you wont have to pay extra for cable by default. they havent even completely said how that works yet, probably because they dont have agreements with cable providers yet. from what they said at the conference, right now it just seems you can connect your current cable box to the console and it would just a through device.
    and the blu ray drive is neccesary. its not just for playing blu ray movies, games will be on blu ray discs so they can fit a lot more on one disk.

    also i may be in the minority, but i bought my 360 day one and havent had a single problem with it, never had to send it in. and i doubt the new console will have any problem as serious as rrod.
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I get the Bluray idea, but why not just save it to the harddrive? I heard somewhere they're going to automatically download games to the harddrive? Rumor or no? If so, that defeats the reasoning for the Bluray player.

    I got the rrod twice, was a huge hassle at the time, especially the second time when I didn't have the warranty.
  13. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Microsoft Responds: Xbox One's DRM, Always-Online, and Focus on TV/Games - Adam Sessler Interview - YouTube

    So...Adam Sessler's interview there kinda scared me a bit. At about 4 minutes in he asks General Manager at Microsoft Games Studio, Matt Booty (giggle), about the rumors regarding The Xbox One being "always online". The epic dodge Matt does really has me worried. Basically Adam Sessler asks, "for a truly single player experience, would that require an internet connection". Matt responds by saying, "in the absence of an internet connection people will be able to watch blu-ray movies and likely some game modes would work". I mean as one of the guys at the top of Microsoft's Game studio he should know whether games require an internet connection to work or not. I get that every single executive has to choose their words carefully so they don't reveal information too early but this is an issue that won't go away until it's crystal clear and it it's a massive audience their potentially alienating by forcing a connection.

    Now, as far as my own personal stake in this, I have a good enough internet connection all throughout my house that "always-online" wouldn't affect me. However I do sympathize with the massive quantity of people who don't have fast internet (or no internet at all).
  14. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    Everyone needs to remember that none of these decisions are final. Microsoft is doing a horrible job at combining all possible scamming techniques into their most popular series of devices. Expect some more changes and increased certainty at E3.
  15. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Yeaaah, I can't get xbox live in my dorm, so this would alienate me... not that I'm about to buy it at its opening price.
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not to mention the the states have what is probably the slowest internet speeds of any developed country. Some areas just don't get internet too. I really hope for micrsofts sake that it isnt always on, or any derivative of it.
  17. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Pac, I'm pretty sure he had to dodge the answer because they're still revising their stance on it because it is highly controversial. At least they're not locked in on it. It was probably a business move made by a board or committee that had no part in the development of the Xbox (further than the finance bit) that wanted to push such services and DRM, not the creative people working on it. I'm sure the developers are getting more than enough "reinforcements" to walk into the room and demand that they back off. The good thing about it is that it could easily be patched if it were on the production line now.

    Edit: Also, you are legally "entitled" to Internet in the US. It just doesn't have to be that good and they can charge whatever they want. (Source: I pay $135 for satellite internet with a monthly 25gb capacity. It's funny because I'm freaking out less than most people.)
    #117 Furry x Furry, May 24, 2013
    Last edited: May 24, 2013
  18. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    I was going to say what Furry said. He can't answer the question right now, and the console is still in development, so it may be that they don't have plans. They can't say "we don't have plans," because then IGN will say OMG DEY DUNT FINISHED QUICK! ADVERTISEING MONEHZ! and then the people who read the Daily Mail may think "seems unbiased and logical," then not buy the xbox one.
    And at the same time, they can't say "this is our plan" because it may not be finished. For all we know MS have suddenly realised what pricks they were about to be, then if sony announced similar plans at E3, they could turn around and be triumphant and say "what? Never heard about this!"
  19. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I know why these execs dodge the question, my point is this is the one topic that don't deserve bull shitting around it. Just straight up tell the truth, either go all in with "always-online" and deal with the fallout. At least that way it would force more people to try to get better internet if it's possible. Or say the console doesn't do it. Even if it is a server connection once a day that still requires an internet connection to do that so anyway you spin what little they've said so far doesn't sound pretty.
    #119 PacMonster1, May 25, 2013
    Last edited: May 25, 2013
  20. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I see what they're going for- constant online feedback... but it's pretty stupid to make it mandatory. Don't think this is the time to make that big of a move

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