i just gunna make ninja-ey stuff/ competitive maps although they are pretty fun no one dls them... sad face
arg i need to go online when does it all end?! i dont even care about the new backgrounds i just wanna play before 9 which is in an hour cause i gotta study for a test i'm gonna fail. i cant take this anymore i'm gonna take my monitor, throw it at the wall, take the keyboard, and smash it against my head a hundred times!!
this is sad, you guys really can't go without videogames for 24 hours? try going outside, it won't kill you
no outside. life is about playing video games. you'll learn something from them. like how i learned what the concequinces are for shooting someone. you think i learned that from school? no! i learned that from GTA IV
ha ha, study. thats a funny concept. ahhh, i havent done that in like 5 years. whats even more funny is that ur studying for sumthing your gonna fail too. lol jk jk, i finished studying for my test during lunch cuz we get an hour long lunch at my highschool. i can go w/out videogames for 24 hours, but i need to get on so i can take some pics of my map that i wanna post soon.
First off, they are, up to eight. Secondly, outside sucks, so many different ways to hurt yourself! Always getting dirty and stung by bees and ****, i mean really! The only way to get hurt while gaming is having your eyesight slowly diminish. Then again, the sun has that same effect. Outdoors just got owned?
No, its not up yet. 20$ says they will **** up something and we will have to wait even longer. EDIT : Oops was talking to Matty. didn't see it got to page six.
Okay I'm still on my Xbox waiting for what should have been 12:00. Now its almost 3:00, and I still can't connect.
PST is GMT -8. So 12am PST is 8am GMT. It is now 7:54 GMT. They are not late, you are just not counting correctly.