I have Xbox live but my friend needs help setting up his. He has a wireless router and the adapter for the 360. He says that every time he tries to test the connection it says IP adress failed. he tried putting it in manually but it still doesnt work. Help please!
It depends on what kind of internet connection he has. Who is his service provider and what kind of router does he have?
I had to do something with a flash drive for mine. Something like downloading stuff onto it, then putting it into my 360 and letting it auto-download the right stuff onto it. I have a Linksys router and the default Microsoft 360 Wireless adaptor, hope that helps.
Get the Pelican Wireless Network Adapter. It's easy to install (requires seperate router and PC) and is always on, not just when your 360 is, so it's always connected to the internet.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ITS A BELKIN!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!1!!!!!!1 Thanks for your help though.
Ouch...sucks that he has a Belkin. Although, I know you can get a compatible Linksys router for pretty cheap (I used to use one and it ran perfectly and it was around $30 at the local Best Buy if I remember correctly).