there already competing with free play on PS3 i dont see why they would jepordise the comunity for more cash scratch that, but the risks outway the benifits
No way that's gonna happen. If you read what he actually said he was just saying "I can't see that happening in the next couple months", that doesn't mean 2 months from there there's going to be an up in price, he's just leaving the option open just in case instead of outright denying it. Highly doubtful.
If this does actually happen, half of the population is going to rage. I doubt they'd actually do this.
I can literally just about afford the price now, I'm not going spend what little money I have left for food and beer on microsoft. Anyway, Insane knows what hes talking about so I'm not getting outraged yet.
Agreed. If anything, lowering prices would attract more people who choose PS3 over 360 because of paying for online services. It's likely that, if anything, it'll go up by like 5-10 dollars, but that'll be quite a few months from now. For them to be putting out the idea that they could jack up the prices, especially with the holiday season swing around, is just a blatant example of why the term Micro$oft has been coined.
for me, id rather just keep using free games. someones going to make a system like for halo 2 where you can do hub-based games but over the Internet. i cant remmeber what its called but basically it tricked the xbox into thinking it was a system link then you could play workld wide for free. mind you no moderators, so LOTS of hacking and mods so you really got your but whooped sometimes, but still it was nice. As long as i dont need Gold to DL other peoples maps, im ok
Xlink Kai? Yeah that program is for all system link consoles, but I beleive there is one just for xbox as well. If it gets to the point that its too expensive for live ill just use Xlink Kai whenever friends are online.
Knew this was going to end up on FH. It's not, in any way, going to happen. Period. Michael Pachter is a joke of an analyst. Take a look at his award winning predictions/analyzing so far: Pachter Says EA Purchase Of Take-Two Inevitable, Rockstar Not Necessarily Along For The Ride MTV Multiplayer Pachter says Sony is 'ripping off' consumers with PSP Go Expect Wii HD 'upgrade' in '10, no new consoles until '13 - Analyst - News at GameSpot And to prove to you that Pachter is a joke of an analyst, an MS rep actually stated in an interview 2 days after Pachter spread the rumor, that it will not happen. News: Microsoft Talks Sales, Accessory Pricing, and Responds to Pachter's LIVE Prediction - Debunked.
Thats it!! Thanks XD yeah, but its only a matter of time before they do want more $$$. i mean, avatars buying clothes scam? I will say i feel for the warthog... I was hoping it was a drivable thing for my avatar. didnt notice the RC part..
If I knew customer appreciation/feedback email address, I'd send them a letter right now. EDIT: Oh wow cortinator. Way to bring a hammer of info. Thanks for making me feel safe again.
Wow way to ruin the thread, but thanks for letting us know, I was just simply providing a link to everyone on here with my feelings lol, I didnt think it would happen but its still always a possibility.