Well guys it that time again. Starting next Monday, April 21st Xbox Live and Xbox.com will be going through another maintenance cycle, resulting in 8 hours of downtime. Yes, you read that right, 8 full hours without social interaction! At approximately 2AM PST Microsoft will cut the power to our beloved digital hub until around 10AM PST. After this brief interruption of service, Xbox LIVE and Xbox.com will once again be fully functional. There will be no immediate or noticeable changes to the interface or services for Xbox LIVE or the Xbox 360. Full article at Talking About Games: http://talkingaboutgames.com/content/view/829/1/
02:00:00 a.m. Monday April 21, 2008 in US/Pacific converts to 07:00:00 p.m. Monday April 21, 2008 in Australia/Sydney Thats for the australians on forge hub. I think PST is pacific us? if not just go to: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc
Thank you jesus! Im sleeping then. Or else I would've hung myself.................. out with my friends at the pizza place.
Bleh. DONT THEY REALISE THIS IS MAP PACK WEEK!? Also interesting, the Legendary Brawl playlist ends exactly at 2am PST. So at least we wont be missing that, or something.