Hello, My Xbox 360 just broke to a 1 ring red ring on the bottom right corner. Whenever I start my Xbox nothing happens. It just turns black and says "System Error. Please contact Xbox Support." in about 15 languages. At the bottom is said "E 74" I looked up almost everything on Google on how to fix it but nothing worked. I called Xbox Support and they said i have to pay 120$ to fix it because I have no worinty left on it. After reading some more it says that you can open your Xbox and do some stuff to it and it will work. BUT if I do that and it still doesn't work then Microsoft won't let me send it in for repairs because i opended my Xbox. So... 1. Should i pay $120 Dollars and get it fixed from Microsoft or 2. Should i take the chances and open my Xbox to repair it myself? PLEASE: If anyone ever got this error and does know how to fix it an easier way then opening my Xbox please post a way here!
My xbox story is a little different from yours but in the end I got it fixed by mS, What happened was that when I turned it on I could hear the menu opening up but could only see white dots in a gridline moving randomly. Video card was broken but no red rings, 1 year warranty ran out a month ago, and the 3 red rings warranty only worked if I had RROD. So instead of paying them I just said I had red rings and sent it in and they fixed it for free. Don't know about your case though because while my box was at their place I ckecked the site and my 1 year warranty had reset for some reason, meybe because they were updating the site at the time.
I had the same situation. And no i did't give them the $120 because i bought A NEW HARD Drive.It sould have a cable to convert the old date to the new HDD. And it will show you step by step to do it. Hope that works for you.
power down your system completely first try making sure A) all cable are connected. (on system and tv) B make sure there is enough power going to your 360 (like, if you use a wall 6 way splitter of extension cords,. switch to direct power for now) and make sure your plug is secure in all spots. this happened to me and my av cable was just slightly poped out and it went red ring. doesn't mean death, just means something is wrong. IF YOU TAMPER AND IT DOESNT FIX IT YOU ARE ****ED. i work for an insurance company and they don't go easy on that stuff. you would end up buying a new system
When i disconnect the hard drive it still fails. So i don't think its hard drive failure. Thanks for the advice, i'll try that.