Just wondering what the FH community is going to be doing today, being XBL is down for the day. For me, Amber will be coming over for a while (we were going to play some Halo 3 Matchmaking but obviously we cant , and ill be waiting for my iMac to arrive. Might play some games on the X360 offline, but im not sure, might just stay on the Computer. So what are you doing for your XBL Day-Off? (Note this can be locked at the end of the day after XBL has returned)
Well, I deleted my LIVE message saying that live would be down today, so I thought my internet was screwing up, so when I got on xbox.com and saw the page was down there I knew today it was down, does anyone know what time it will be back up?
There's no better time to forge IMO. There's not much to do anyway. I'm actually going to capture some stuff with my capture card and start playing around with editing. I might have some videos up by tonight if all goes well. The Skypathon looks pretty fun, too.
dude that sux school got out yesterday for me. owned all my finals, at least B and up. ill probably be on skypathon, watchin tv, eating food and being lazy yet still being skinny as hell
I'm going to cry for a few hours, then probably take out the vaseline. No, just kidding, i'm going boating with a couple of friends and then going to see a movie. Probably Land of the Lost. EDIT: woah dudes, my finals were like three weeks ago. Where do you guys live. (I'm from Michigan)
I plan on playing Metal Gear Solid 3 today. I beat the second one a week ago, and I plan on beating 3 and 4 this summer. I was going to play Team Fortress 2 all day.
I'll forge a bit, then later today I'm going out and buying Company of Heroes for my PC. Then i'm heading over to a friend's house for the rest of the day. Should be fun.
Guys, we need to get into a celebratory match to celebrate XBL's day off! lulz, jk I'm going to play Guitar Hero, Fallout, and ummm... ur m0th3r!
i really dont know what to do today... you know, since today the cake isnt a lie and i took today off especially for that... so gay might go get a haircut. clean out my car. I WOULD BE FORGING but, i just passed the map onto my friend to finish up some stuff so i cant forge on THAT map. And right now i dont really have any ideas....
Right on bro... I'm outside of Detroit, MI and we took our finals last week. We got out on the 11th. I got 4 A's and 2 B's... =)
Today I have smoked weed, took a final, ate some McDonalds, and almost onjisdmfsadonf OM NO NOM :NO M ONM N MOM LIKE DIS
Alright so Amber came over , we played Halo (forge) for abit, the went to play Burnout Paradise and LittleBigPlanet on the PS3. My mac didn't come so now i have to wait for tomorrow
Slept, had 2 finals (Physics was ok :/ an English III was too fckin easy), baby-sat (word?)ummmmm and I'm about to go to my sister's graduation! Hurray! STR8 LOLN 09!