X_v_X Created by Kidmonkey148 Control the Truck Command Center. Escape to the Shotty Bunker. Conquer your enemy. Base: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag King of the Hill Oddball Slayer Custom Gametype(s) Description: Forging 101: [ YES ] Floating Objects [ YES ] Instant Respawn [ YES ] Immovable Objects [ ___ ] Timed Map Events [ YES ] Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] Interlocking Objects [ YES ] Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] Unlimited Budget Glitch Inside Red Defense Base Red Defense Base Inside Blue Attack Base Blue Attack Base Middle And Two Bases Command Center Escape Route Shotty Bunker Across Truck Command Center Truck Command Center Middle Sniper Download X_v_X
the merging looks very good. I was wandering can you walk up the slanted bridge? I also suggest not putting the shotgun right by the bubble shield.I'll dl and see how it plays. 4/5
This is the messiest map I have seen in awhile. Try to keep your objects straight and organized. It makes the map much more fun to play. First things first, the map looks great. It's well done as for looks, but the gameplay could be crappy. Someone can easily camp in this map, and the custom power up is useless unless you have a game variant for it. There is a HUGE gap in the map which could ruin the gameplay more. As far as that, I don't see anything else I can criticize. 2/5
This is a pretty good map. However you should change a few things. First of all, you might want to think about changing the name because i wasnt even going to look at this map because i thought it was going to be something stupid. I guess i was wrong. Secondly, i would move the bubble shield or the shotty because a Bubbe Shield + a Shotty = Ultimate Pwnage. Other than that it looks like a cool map and I will DL and check it out. Good Job
looks clean. it looks very open though. the weapon placement isnt that good. i wouldnt putthe shotty right under the bubble shield. make a V2 with cover and better weapon place ment and ill DL. also, think of an actual name. as for now 3.5/5
needs more interpl0x merging is good, but lacking on the interpl0x looks to have pretty good gameplay, but the flamenade + telle to some camping spot = a no go for me. i might dl later and comback with a review
I like the looks of the map, except for a few spots, the truck thing, the ramp you can't walk on??? Anyway, gameplay looks like it could be greatly lacking, like everyone else said, you put a shotty near a bubble shield, and in a tight corner area=IMMEDIATE CAMPING. Also, flame grenades usually don't work, but hey, what do I know. Finally TELEPORTERS=NONO, in a competitive map. Overall Gameplay Looks=2/5 Overall Aesthetics=3.2/5
GET RID OF FLAME NADES!!!! They are usually never on competitive maps, which is why bungie has none in MM, but otherwise pretty good, i agree with umm that guy ^^x2? or x3? idk but the guy who said needs more interpl0x (wtf interpl0x?) maybe interpl0x the walls near the sniper spawn and im not gonna spam about the shotgun bubble shield combo, but anyways looks good, merging is good! 4/4.8!