This is an older map that I touched up today. Little flaws like the Snipe spawns and auto respawns on some weapons. Anyway, this is another simple map that is perfect for the paintball crowd. I changed around my friends paintball idea and turned it into this. Hope you guys enjoy. X-Factor Download: : Halo 3 File Details
This map looks a little too empty. You should try adding more barriers and obstacles alongside maybe a small litlle bunker in the middle. Also the teleporter should be replaced by a spiral stairway to make it appear as a more complex map or you could take the simpler route and use a grav lift but the teleporter has many issues with camping and the floating tower is a little too powerful and looks too easy to reach.
I was thinking I should put a spiral staircase on it but I don't know how. Plus some stairs are being used for the map.