Note: my original post was edited out. About Me Hey guys. I'm really into Halo and I think Forge is a really creative tool. I used to forge (and I was pretty good if I do say so myself) but I stopped due to the fact that I don't have enough time during the school season to really work on a map. I might get back into it in the summer, but I don't know what I will do for sure at this point. Although I don't forge myself anymore, I still love to play on others' forged maps. This community is full of creative minds and some maps are just breathtaking. Unfortunately I can only have 100 saved files at a time, so I go through maps rather quickly. Also, I'm a perfectionist so if a map is even slightly sloppy, I won't download it. Sorry. As far as my personal taste, I prefer competitive or MLG maps, but I enjoy fun minigame and race maps too (I'm an exceptional racer, so if you want to challenge me, fell free to do so). Most people in my skill range (I'm a 50) only like to play super competitive stuff, but sometimes I just like to mess around in Halo to have a good time. Yes, I love competition, but sometimes being silly can be just as fun (wow, I can't believe I just typed the word "silly"). I would say I am a polite, kind person, and I've really matured recently (not that I was specifically immature before). If I ever offend you, I probably didn't mean to and if you want to talk about it, I would be more than happy to. I get easily annoyed by immature people, however, so even though I'm usually pretty easy going, I'll get mean if your inconsiderate to me or others, or if you start flaming. Some peoples' stupidity amazes me. If you want to hit me up for some customs, add x Encounter x. Be sure to send a message along with it saying "ForgeHub," or something like that. I also love Guitar Hero and Castle Crashers (although I don't play it much anymore). I am also very active in the MLG forums, so if you see Encounter.142, that's me. Feel free to message me about anything you want, I'll most likely reply promptly. Well guys, that's pretty much it, I'll see you around forgehub
Well hi there. I'm pretty new here too, well at least i started coming on again lately. So welcome to ForgeHub. If you want some videos, check in the forging 101 or the forging discussion page, theres some pretty good stuff there.
Welcome to ForgeHub, Remember to read the rules so you don't get infractions/warnings. Go to the how to post a map section and see how its done, To learn how to embed pictures, Follow this link: To learn the rules of posting a map, Go HERE To learn ForgeHub's rules, Go here:
What he said... ^^^^^ Anyway, you like Halo, you like Castle'll fit right in here =] You sound like a pretty good forger too so I'll have to wait and see your map.
Well, I don't all the stuff there is to know, but I definitely have potential. Now that I'm actually forging a map, I'm sure I'll learn a lot. I even found a few tricks in the first few hours I worked on it Thanks for making me feel welcome guys!