A WWE game based map. There is a titantron and a ring. Fight inside the ring to the death. The only weapons you can use are the Gravity Hammer and an Energy Sword. Your health is at 2000%. Download the game variant called WWE Cage Match for the map to work properly. That is the only gametype that will work with this map. This was made by ayers11 and nick4423. Download map below! http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=40736700 Download Gametype Below! http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=40743011 Titantron Outside hallway to Ring Inside Hallway to Ring Outside Ring Inside Ring
Sorry, but I have to agree with them. Check out Forging 101 and read up on the different forging techniques. They will help you achieve a smoother, and more professional looking map
also, from what little i know about wwe from my brother, if it's a cage match, shouldn't the arena be a cage (theres no ceiling)?
*Edit Yes I can full well see someone already posted the F101 link but I feel my post is a little more explanational and valuable in helping the user fulfill his post / map to the standards expected, If thats worth an infraction - So be it* Omg guys if you're going to persistently make comments on every map posted make them good comments, Point out where the author could "use more interlocking" and say what is the positive or negatives of the map seriously the two posts under the thread suck. waste of time any one reading them (Better off if there was just a +1 Post count button.) Anyway onto the map Welcome ayers11, I assume your a fan of WWE, Could you imagine the actors in the ring "Fighting" in an area like this? Because my cousin loves "Wrestling" so when he comes round he watchs it sometimes so I have seen the ring before but im personally not a fan but I'm not going to shun your map for it because you obviously spent time on it. Ok the main issue here seems to be the floor. It looks a tad bumpy. I know you're thinking omg su chicken but the floor looks un even which means for sure it will play un even when your running around on it try to make the floor so its perfectly neat and tidy so theres no "Trips". The layout is pretty good might I suggest using shield doors THROUGH the floor to create a rope feel around the outside. I cannot tell from the screenshots provided if you are at all familiar with some of the more advancted forging techniques such as Interlocking, Geomerging and Floating objects. So your having trouble embedding your images into your post, but dont worry here is a quick guide to fix this! Step 1. Access your Bungie.net screenshots that show your map & save them onto your computer. Step 2. Create an account on Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket (its completly free). Step 3. Sign into your newly created account. Step 4. Use the Browse feature to select the screenshot/s required. (making sure you are selecting the pictures from your computer). Step 5. Press Upload and wait untill the process is complete. Step 6. Use the IMG Code That should get you sorted after that consider reading through forgehub's handy forging guide F101 (Forging 101) It's handy and has every thing you need to know to make keep up with todays every growing standards. Link Here Best of Luck my friend hope you stay part of the community here and keep forging
although I am very happy to see people making wrestling arena maps, I am saddened that none of them do the real thing any justice. I cant wait to finish my wrestling arena map and put everyone else's to shame.
Looks great but id love it if you made the pics bigger, couldve done interlocking with those bridges. 3/5 tho on this map.
welcome to forgehub, and i hope you enjoy your time here with us on to the map. i personally do not like wrestling, but the map gives me the message that you do. if so that is fantastic, and keep pushing your goals farther. i dont think i have actually seen a WWE map before. is it a slayer map? or is it king of the hill? the map does look pretty decent, but in the cage, you should interlock the walls and make a ceiling on the cage so players cannot get out. also, the hallways into the ring you might wanna look at to see if there is any straightening you may need to do. i am sure this map is done very well, and i will check it out to give some feedback.