WTF?!?! No Elephant???

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by E93, Mar 22, 2008.

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    I was forging the other day a map variant on sandtrap called
    Guape Races, and I was making my own version of it, so I saved it, ended
    it and invited some friends to play it with me. Here comes the weird part:
    Anyone that's ever played Sandtrap knows that there are always at least 2 elephants (except in those weird maps, but still, more than 2 at least)
    but when the game started, one of the elephants wsnt there, and now every
    time i play that variant, there is only 1 elephant on the map, the other is always mssing

    does anyone now how or why this happened, or how i can fix it?
    i still don't get how it happened...
  2. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    There isn't two elephants only when you play assymetrical games. Symmetrical games will always have two elephants unless your Halo 3 is funny.
  3. E93

    E93 Guest

    so wait, what do i have to do in order to fix it?
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    make it multi flag or nuetral bomb, nothing 1 sided
  5. General Heed

    General Heed Ancient
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    yeah, he's right, both elephants only apear in team games. Usually, in regular games, there is only one elephant. Its not a glitch.
  6. E93

    E93 Guest

    i never said it was a glitch.
    i just said it was really weird

    so that'sinda weird becuase the guy made the map for rocket race, and put this really cool thing to go over the elephant, but the elephant doesnt show up

    sounds fishy
  7. General Heed

    General Heed Ancient
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    In rocket race, there is supposed to be only 1 elephant. Two elephants is for games like Team Slayer or Capture The Flag.
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    yeah, i got it....

    i just thought it was kinda weird...

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