So yeah, there I was, playing GTA4. I saw one of my friends playing COD:WaW, so I sent him a voice message to invite me. I slap in the disc, and join his game. We play a bit, but I say nothing because he isn't talking to me, or anyone for that matter. After about 2-3 games (yeah, I'm slow) I realize I can hear voices from my speakers, and I set my settings to play voice through the headset. I tried whistling through the mic, but the voice icon thing didn't show. I unplugged it, plugged it back in, and it wouldn't work still. I plugged in the play & charge kit, (because I hear the battery charge level can be a problem) but it still doesn't work. I pressed the xbox guide button, and my charge level is full. Is it the controller? I dropped the controller a few times (like 20 times or more since I got it) when I get up from my couch, which is maybe a foot or so high. I have another controller, but I stick with my old one because it feels comfortable for me to use. Can anyone help me?
I recommend calling up Microsoft customer support, they can send you out a replacement for no extra charge. Look in the back of any Microsoft published games for support numbers for you Xbox. (MS headsets are very flimsy and break all the time don't worry about it.
No. My mic is semi broken, as in I can hear through it, but I can't talk. The mute switch is broken to be permanently on. So I'd contemplate getting a new mic if your Xbox doesn't even recognize that it's there. The wireless mics are prone to need constant recharging, but they're pretty reliable. I'd suggest one of those.
my mic has been like this for a while,the only cure i know is to (if you havnt already) is to restart your 360. i know it stinks,so all i know to do is A)get a new controller B) get a new mic. thats all the advice i know,hope everything starts working again.
I threw my headset against the wall, and surprisingly, it worked. I then plugged it in and it stopped working. Nah, just kidding. I restarted my 360 and it was all fine.
I have a Turtle Beach Ear Force X3s and they still do this, so does my friends astros, so it is for every mic.
I accidently sat on my mic and it kinda snapped but it still works I have to put layers of duct tape on it though looking like the future of the retaliation of the nerds. And sometimes the mic will slip off from the head set so that mean I need even more tape.
The same thing happens to me quite often. When ggoing to dashboard, turning the headset off and on etc, it shows that I do not have a headset. Turn your xbox off. Plug it in. Turn it on. There you go!
what happens is that your xbox fails to recognize your headset. restarting it should fix the problem, if not, then you need a new headset
what he said^. perhaps you ran it over with your chair. I did that to my previous headset unknowingly, and it broke.