I'm not debating whether its fake or not, because it obviously is, no arguements needed there. But why do people hate it so much because of the fact that it is fake? Its a form of entertainment, just like movies. I could say that spiderman is awful because he's not really climbing the walls and you'd think that I'm being an ass, why does this not apply to wrestling. Someone has said that they're the lower class, when that is not true, they are paid millions of dollars. WWE has 3 shows a week, 2 of which run for 2 hours, and a 3/4 hour ppv each month. So they must be doing something right. In fact WWE RAW is the longest running Cable show, and has more episodes than ER and The Simpsons Combined. Some people may say they have it easy, well they dont, in WWE, they have regular busy schedules. They're always on the road, away from their families, unlike other sports, wrestling doesnt have any break period. It is not on for just half the year but all year round. Sometimes having one small break at Christmas Time. So why is wrestling so widely ridiculed when it is no different from movies or performances. It is what its called, and that is Sports Entertainment. Wrestling is a form of Entertaiment.
tbh, I don't watch it anymore. It is SCRIPTED like every other non-sport tv show/movie. The bumps actually do hurt. They are trained in how to land, do moves ect. to reduce pain. But that doesn't always work... and mostly when it does work.. it still hurts alot. So people who just say its "fake" need to look into it more.
Exactly. And some people say "Its just Blood Capsules" In most cases that is anything but the truth. When they're bleeding from the mouth, most likely unless its a cut lip, its a blood capsule. But when they're bleeding from they're heads, it is 100% real. They actually cut themselves. That's why, if you notice, after taking a bump, they'll cover their face and cut themselves. If I'm not mistaken, Eddie Guerrero actually cut a main artery in his head in 2004, and lost a lot of Blood.
I actually wrestle right now, but in no way am I interested in or watch WWE or whatever the acronyms are. Its not actual wrestling like some parts of UFC, which I DO occasionally watch.
It is entertaining when they do it well. The only thing I don't like is when they completely miss a punch and the other guy reacts to it as if he did get hit
I was a big wrestling fan a few years back. I always respected the performance for what it was. I don't mind that it's scripted, but I quit watching it because it occurred to me just how badly scripted it was. WWE became so repetitive and predictable. And the level of athletic performance in the WWE just didn't impress me because I used to be a big fan of ECW. Those dudes put on a show. When ECW broke up, it was over for me. I realize that the ECW name is still being used and that most of the personnel work at WWE now, but to say it's not the same is an understatement.
I feel the fact that they try covering up the fact that it is fake makes it a little less respectable. With movies, you know it is fake. If it was real, you'd be watching spider man- the documentary.
I still enjoy wrestling a lot and I watch on a pretty regular basis. To the person who said the cut themselves that is half way true. Due to the Eddie incident they dont do it who they use to. They cut themselves before the match just a little cut and they just have to re-open the wound in the match which is pretty easy to do. That is why there is a lot less blood then there use to be. I also agree with Predicide where it is getting very repetitive and easy to guess, but I just keep watching and hoping it will change sometime.
I don't like (fake) wrestling. That doesn't mean I don't have a problem with it. My brother who is a huge fan put it this way. That's all it is, a fake show that shows action. They want to say it's real, and that's okay. It's like asking an actor to break the fourth wall while filming a drama tv show. Although that guy who attacked the news reporter for claiming that it was fake? Yeah, they shouldn't let those kinds of people outside... of prison.
I've watched a lot of old school ECW matchs, and although a lot of the technical and luchadore style wrestling was close to amazing, a lot of the hardcore matches were so dragged out. But yeah, original ECW is dead. Another reason WWE arent using blood as much is because they're aiming towards children a lot, recently, and the use of a lot of blood would probably not sit well with the parents of those children. But sometimes, they do actually hurt themselves, and it really shows what they're made of as they continue the match even with a torn quad. And that Eddie Guerrero match is one of my favourite matchs, I love that match, it was so awesome when Eddie started to shimmy with blood pouring out of his head. I think I remember seeing that a while ago, where the guy's like "is this fake?" and slaps him like 5 times.
Yeah, you're right. I really don't like most of their earlier hardcore stuff. They did drag out a lot. But towards the end, like the last year of ECW, they simply were not putting on any bad matches. Ever. They still had the hardcore thing going occasionally, but they were leaning much more towards fast-paced matches. It simply doesn't get any better than what I saw from Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy during those days. And despite the "underbelly of wrestling" reputation they had, there was such an air of respect amongst the ECW crowd. I actually went to an ECW show in Dallas (as far as I know they only went to Dallas once ever). I think it was like 1999 or 2000....
No it doesn't those matches were amzing. But I meant to put this in my other post but, Sandman, was god awful, he couldnt wrestle but he knew how to excite the crowd, and he could take a bump.