wrath no more? First off I want to say yes, this is a really late post and no one probably cares about Reach maps anymore since Halo 4 is right around the corner and the future of Forge is looking greater than ever. But, I'm just trying to get all of MY maps out before the transition. Besides, 99% of my maps will be remade in Halo 4 anyway. Wont really bother trying to add a deep description to this. It's a remake of a Marathon Infinity / Durandal (DLC) "netmap." It contains ALL original weapon placements, original KotH hills, and original oddball spawns. So yes, three rocket launchers have made their return. Since the gravity is a lot lighter in Marathon I added a gravity lift at the end of one of the walkways so you can make the gap across to the middle platform. Originally, all you had to do was float across. And, the 2x health recharge station was conveniently replaced with an overshield. Original Marathon map layout: (for comparison) Don't expect the map to be 1:1. It's been simplified due to a lot of unnecessary winding tunnels, as well as very deep water that you can actually swim in. Yet, there are still multiple water levels in this remake. For the most part, this a very faithful remake and worth a quick play. I highly recommend 2v2 or 8-player FFA! The main focal point of this map is definitely the tower that is in the middle of the map. Once you get up there you'll be treated to a rocket launcher with lots of cover. Have fun. Pics: (click spoiler) Spoiler Weapons: x2 Assault Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x3 Rocket Launcher x2 Shotgun x1 Magnum x4 Frag grenades
Three rocket launchers? Three?? AND two shotguns? Your choice of weapons might have worked well in Marathon Infinity or whatever it was, but you might want to consider tailoring the weapon set to Halo. Rocket launchers in Halo are the uber uber power weapons, and so three seems like too much to me, especially because the map's quite small. If you're going to be really faithful to Marathon, go ahead, but the gameplay will probably suffer for it. I also have to say that the aesthetics are very lazy. You've used the same 2x2 talls over and over again, and I see very little on the map that isn't a building block of some sort.
It's funny because I did sort of an Anniversary style remix to this map on another variant because I knew people would complain about it. If you want, I can put the "Haloized" version onto my fileshare. It has added aesthetics, cover, and more variety of weapons. Once again, this is a remake. The point is to make it as faithful to the original as possible. Not sure if you played Marathon or not but the game is 2-Dimensional, so using blocks as my main forging piece made this A LOT easier. In fact, that's make this remake almost a 1:1 scale. I appreciate your feedback though, nonetheless. Still, aside from every thing you said, once you actually play the map your worries about it will be diminished due to the fact how fun it can be. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Updated OP with comparison pic.
Tycho, if I may submit my humble opinion, casual maps are for "fun". Competitive maps are for balance and fast pace. I would like to see the Haloized version in your fileshare.
Yeah, as I was posting this I thought to myself "maybe I should have put this in casual maps". These aren't to be taken as "serious, matchmaking-status, tournament worthy maps". I apologize for putting them under the wrong category. If I could change it, I would.
If he wants to make an accurate remake. Let him put the original weapons. What game is this from? I like these style of maps.
Looks nice from what I saw when you showed me. I cant say its accurate or not because I never played Marathon. You knocked this one out of the park, keep up the good job.