Played it, loved it. Fun, original, wish I thought of it. I'd say this is the best map that has come out of forgehub lately, keep it up, reach is a long way away.
Kasey's Review. Hello, What a Smooth Perfect Gametype! It was alot of fun when I downloaded it! I Loved it, It's really fun to play with people who don't know how to play because they always fall off the blocks and die before the game offically starts. Well done guys, Ell3ment and GunnerGrunt 15/10. You guys are great! I always Watch your Tutorials, and play your maps. Congrats guys, Thanks.
Great job i love when people make a game instead of just a battle map, but how did you get the people to die when they touched the ground?
We built the map under the grid of the skybubble. The blocks rest on the grid, while people die once they touch the ground (built right on the death barrier). The wraith floats above the death barrier
Definitely worth downloading, the only problem is that you have to brief your party on what to do or the game would go southward really quickly. I'll be sure to download and recommend. -Tomo Strkyer
Incredible map Looks like fun! Score-o-meter : 82/100 Very basic in design, but it looks very entertaining indeed!