WoW: WotLK

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fbu, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Anyone gonna play?, looks like it has some fun new stuff =D

    -More world PvP
    -level cap to 80
    -Arthas is a boss =o
    -Seige weapons
    -Northrend added

    ps. if you don't like world of warcraft, scroll up to the top and click "Forums"
  2. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    I've heard that when you get Arthas down to like 1 health, a little in-game cutscene happens, and he, like disappears. Once I know we get to kill him for sure, then I'll buy it.
  3. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    WoW sucks!
    interesting but WoW is getting kinda old now
    not sayng its a bad game but there are bad ppl on there now cos its quite an old game.
    although D2 is old and still RAWX
  4. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    Heres my opinion:

    Deathknights - Bah the day WotLK comes we will see a 50% death knight online precense and that suxx
    More world PvP - FINALY, I am just sooo tired off BG's but I am forceing my self to play them because there is no world PvP right now. GoGo world PvP.
    level cap to 80 - Well just another 10 levels to go not a big deal.
    Arthas is a boss =o - Raiding suxx. Nuff said
    Seige weapons - Nice that blizz has some creativity left, but there will be a lot of buggs and balanceing to these things.
    Northrend added - Northrend and Outlands its the same just that Northrend is Ice.
    -moar - Talents, I hope mine will be good but not OP ( I am a mage)

    There have fun levling your death knights while i will dominate world PvP
  5. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Arthas won't be a raidboss until after the game releases, just like illidan was. He's not even on the beta so no one has fought him yet.

    About DKs, most people will get bored at 60ish. The rest will just make more servers have more tanks (yes!).
    World PvP looks so fun, I'm defiantly staying there when I don't raid.
    Northrend is like 2x bigger than outlands =o I'm just glad Dalaran looks so much prettier than shat does.

    @pluginfiend, as long as you play with friends, it's awesome. There are some stupid people thou -_-
    The only reason I play is because a lot of friends do, and it's way more entertaining.
  6. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I really want WoW, but i don't think my PC can handle it...
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    WoW's designed to run from shitty computers to godly ones. You should try the 10day trial thing.

    My graphic card broke recently, and I had to use the onboard one (which sucks) and it still can play it lol.
  8. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Knowing my bro, i don't think he is going to buy it. He loves downloading pirated games. He recently downloaded Spore and the entire Sims 2 collection onto his computer. Now he is downloading WoW and The Burning Crusades. I swear, his computer is going to implode! lol
  9. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    ok i downloaded the WoW trial, but when it runs the whole download process thing it says my computer is behind a firewall, so i disable my firewall and retry it... it still wont work. help?
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    WoW is free everywhere, you can download it free from blizzard =p. You need a paid key to play it though (after 10days). If he's going to a private server then tell him to enjoy the bugs =p

    Just let it download, it takes forever because it's a big game. I'm behind a firewall too and it took 3 hours >.< Then the install is like another hour. Then the expansion lol
  11. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    mmm ive always wanted to own wow but never got a chance too, my computer used to be really slow and i expected it to be like all my other pc games, slow. Ive tried it and seen allot, wow looks good but the new expansion looks even better.

    I found these videos on youtube: its a good way to show off wow:wotlk

    theres the first 5 episodes and it looks pretty sweet but once i get ill be a noob, but it looks fun so... :)
  12. Sixpakvb

    Sixpakvb Ancient
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    Definitly, I love WoW. I don't really care much for the Deathknights, they're just not really my thing, but it's still (hopefully) a good addition. More world PVP is awesome, I play on a PVE server and regret it, wish I had picked a PVP server. Honestly, the level 80 cap I don't really care about. I prefer to raid and PVP a lot more than leveling, so I only have one charactor who I focus on, I just don't really have a good attention span when it comes to leveling another charactor. I'm somewhat glad Arthas will be killed, but at the same time I don't really like how he'll get killed by 5 people, when in his current state it should take a lot more people. Siege weapons could be interesting depending on how they're implemented, I just hope that it's not just something that you click that will hurl as rock at a building without you doing a thing like aiming. I'm going to get the collector's edition this time, I ordered the collectors for Burning Crusade, but it wouldn't come for a week, and since I am impatient I went out and bought the normal one = / The talents look interesting, like Metamorphasis, Titan's grip, Spirit wolves, Living bomb, and the healing beacon thing that pallies get.
  13. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    They've opened PvE to PvP xfers. (go to onyxia!)

    Gamestop doesn't accept collectors edition preorders anymore =(

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