Okay, i made a map on foundry designer and i want to know if anyone thinks it would be a good map. this is a very basic form of what i would make if i do it. it will be interlocked and have different things to make it look good. this would be the bottom floor: and i forgot that foundry designer had the ability to do more than 1 floor at a time, so imagine this is on top of the first. and then there will be another stack of boxs/walls to keep from leaving the map. well hope you like if or if not, please tell me what i should do. p.s. this is mostly for bomb,flag,and territory type games but i could be used for other games.
for me the pictures come up at about 28x30 pixels, with a red x in it (you know the thingy i am talking about) so basically, can't see exactly what you're saying =X
okay, the work for meh now, sorry bout that, anyways, they look pretty decent, though, i would have to see the actual creation in order to give a full opinion...
This looks like it could come out pretty well. It's kind of hard to tell, but at a glance, this looks like the making of a good map. Good luck with it!