A Foundry Money Glitch Canvas in the shape of a square. If you don't understand what I mean let me try to explain as best as possible. I'd like a square canvas where only the square side of Foundry is available for forging. Because I find myself with map ideas but I need a wall i can use to block off the hallways and that other area of Foundry. Plus, I know how to geo-merge but I'm not the best. So I'd for someone of experience or someone who's great at geo-merging to please create a wall that blocks off the un-square side of Foundry to use the good side as a canvas. Thanks. Sorry for the long reading.
thanks, that is mighty helpful. When you finish please do post the link up or i'll hopefully be on to see the Square canvas. Truly a time saver for us small forgers.
yea, i hope you don't mind, but i used fenceboxes and fencewalls all interlocked and geomerged. so you won't have as much fence items as you might want.