Worthy is a four-tiered, four-room, asymmetrical map. I can write about my inspiration behind this map, what my goals were while designing this map, features, functionality, etc. But I won't. I'm just going to say that I have drawn down hundreds of maps, just to get to this moment. The moment that I release a map that I am truly proud of. Red Room (Sniper) Blue Room (Grenade Launcher) Green Room (Custom Powerup) Orange/Gold Room (Rockets) First sketch: Thank You to Tyrant, Seven, Beighn, Nighthaque, Sangman, Career, Pacifist, and Erupt for frequently testing this map and helping it get to where it is now.
Much nicer indeed. Good stuff, Max. Rorak threatend with killing my family unless I potsed something constructive in here, so I'm going to go with: Delete the bloody grid, noob. It serves no purpose whatsoever and if people die in there and the camera goes under water, you'll see the hideous flickering from the z-fighting it's making in the right corner, closest to red. I'm sort of guessing you already did that though, but I can't ever be quite sure about you.
You must go to Red/Blue Room and use the ramps. The Rocket Room is designed to be a dangerous room for risk/reward purposes, and once you grab Rockets, it's very difficult to get to the top floor with them.
It's been nice watching this evolve from it's original broken form. The changes to green coupled with the teleporters work very well together and almost completely unbreak the map. And yeah, plays well, looks good, yadayada. Solid job. Un pregunta - Can I still walk on water?
I need to play this some more so I actually remember where the teleporters lead. Screwed me over quite a few times.
Only thing I would change about it is the file description. When I'm looking through my file browser for a game to play with my friends and I get something like "A blank canvas recommended for forge editing only.", I think to myself... "What gametype does it work for?" Something more like, "A four-teired, four-roomed map good for Team Slayer." would be fantastic for me. But that's just my $.02. Keep the file description if you like it.
So, I tried to come up with advertisement for this map, but unfortunately everything has been covered. This map has come a long way and plays much better than previous versions. Also, if your fat this map provides the perfect amount tele's so you don't break a sweat.
Dude I love how gold room looks, everything looks great, a few lil things that I think could look a bit better, although note this is just piece sugestion nd im basing this off of pics. I think the way the braces overlap in gold room look weird, I would either match the vertical sides, or the horisontal sides, not have go by "every other one". Not sure if u kno what I mean, nd its minor, but just a lil idea that can make things look a lil more clean. I love the ramps and tunels for asthetics, it looks great, but it seems like for a consistant asthetic feature of your map, red room seems to be missing some of that greatness. Like I said, this is all from looking at pics. Ill download nd play nd sure it plays good just bc, nd let u kno more, looks great keep it up
Sorry to rebut this, but are you aware of how vertical this map is? You may as well be rock climing with a weight vest on. - Anyways, this map is pretty enjoyable, especially when there are instances in which you prioritize top control over dropping down to get GL or Snipe. If only you used objects other than brace larges, tunnels, struts, bridges, and platform larges. I mean come on, that's typical! JK the map looks great with easy orientation.
This map looks really clean and cool. I like the blue and red rooms. Like Remember said, the height variation in those rooms is great. All the different doors and ways to get into all the different rooms is a good idea. Good job dude!
How many floors are there because this is awesome. I really like it. This reminds me of One of the halo 1 maps from PC. I really hope you get good reviews and that it gets posted on Forge hub front page. Best of Luck, Charles J. Stoot. "It is Luck that you Failed"
I was always a fan of this map since its first iteration, but in comparison to where it stands now, that old version is damn broken. Encounters are frequent and intense, but not constant, and no one position is easy to control, which gives the map a solid "ebb and flow" kind of feel to the pacing. Every room is distinct and colorful so you never find yourself lost (unless you're a noob like Overdoziz and can't figure out where the teleporters go after 12 minutes). While playing this the other day, Xzamples asked if we wanted to end a 2v2 at 30, but I told him "**** it, let's play to 50," a testament to the exciting game-play offered by Worthy. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a highly competitive 2v2 asym map to add to their collection.
Overdoziz is a noob, I agree. I appreciate the kind words. BUT I wouldn't rule out 4v4. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Halo 1 is map design is definitely one of the strongest source of inspiration for this map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I do remember you talking about hyperventilating on Terrace, because it takes so long to get from one end to the other. The teleporters were definitely installed with your kind in mind. Obese people are people too.
I love the creativity of this map! I like how you put multiple entrances plus have the map with multiple levels with the ramps. I also like what you did with the different rooms. Such as, they each have a different style to them and also with the colors and the layout of the rooms make them stick out from one another. Overall the map looks great with the aesthetics and the layout of it. +1 download
Ill give my two cents, here it goes: Freaking awesome job. I am quite impressed with this map as it has shown me that you have come a lot further in your forging. I agree the lynx that each area is not too over-powering which is a definate plus on my books. I am a little concerned though because the map seems pretty small, for 4v4 I think spawn-traping could get a little overdone but that is only a minor concern. The only thing I would change in this map is to have the 2 way tele spawn 60 secs after the start of the game so nobody starts flanking off the start. If someone complains about how they didn't see it before tell them to shove it up their A** for not being observant. You have my DL + 1 recommendation.
As you took my post in the preview thread as satire, I suppose I should say it again in here with a serious demeanor. Solid map dude. I'm tempted to load up Halo again to play it. OT: Lulz at Redemption talking like he's some authority you need to prove yourself too. Gotta love these new kids on the block.
This map was not forged with MLG in mind, so splitscreen performance was not a priority. Because of that, I had more freedom with object use. Due to the separation of the rooms, and the natural cover that the verticality provides, you are rarely spawned in another players field of vision. Also, once you spawn, you are always presented with three routes out of each room. If the map was spawn trappable, I would never have released it. Yes, I saw your map with the no-start tele. That may work for your map, but Worthy relies on those teleporters as a plan b for awkward spawning. If you are presented with a bad spawn in Red, Blue, or Green; then you always have a teleporter near you to get you to a safer portion of the map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yes, I like it when you're serious. It's much less confusing.
The MLG Team Slayer game we played earlier played really well. It was fast paced and full of movement. It was a constant fight for top control in every room. Cleanly forged and colorful, orientation was not an issue. I really enjoyed the map. Since you posted this in The Library section, I have some worries about the map in MM, and I'm sure this has crossed your mind as well. The jetpack, like with many vertical maps, will break the map's flow. It's a fight for top control in every room, and I see players constantly picking the Jetpack loadout to just totally bypass map movement, jetting straight to the top floor off spawn. I'd much prefer to play with map with MLG settings, and not MM settings. The custom powerup would also be removed if it was implemented into MM too. Another issue I found was spawning. I've read the other comments and you have some valid points about the verticality camouflaging spawning, which it does. Even so, since there are only four rooms and four enemy players, it is very possible that there will be a player in every room, possibly on different floors. The teles work great for map movement and shuffling yourself around the map after a bad spawn, so it's not that bad. It's just the ratio of rooms to players that suggest bad spawning. I had no bad spawns in the game, and either way, it's not like maps in MM or MLG have perfect spawning anyway.* I like this map better than Angst.
This map is definitely praiseworthy. It looks great and the layout is very well thought out. I do think the map should be capped at six players though. Where some are questioning the ability to spawn safely on the map, I would say that is because this is slightly too small of a play space for 8 players, considering many of the spawns are in little cubbies which only provide so much safety. I also have one disagreement about the power weapon spawning. You have sniper at 1 minute no spares and GL at 1 minute and 2 spare shells. While I like the fact that they spawn more frequently but with less ammo, allowing new players to turn the tides, this ends up being a lot of power weapon ammo on the map throughout the game. If you mutliply this to the standard 3 minute time for most power weapons, this ends up being 12 sniper rounds (maybe a little high) and 9 Grenade shells (very high imo). The weapon placement works great with the verticality of the map, but it still seems like a lot of ammo over time. Maybe if you upped it to 88 second intervals instead, this would thin out the ammo a little more? Just a small gripe. Anyway, just in case the earlier joke was missed, I'd say this map is worthy of a nomination.