for BTB i have to use the Ammo upgrade or I run out of ammo every life. it's much easier to blow up the ghost with DMR than to try to kill the driver since you gotta have a side or rear view of them to hit em. If they are smart, they will boost away when they start getting hit themselves.
Abandon. It's the worst map. evar. Looks like a shitty 1v1 map centered around a campable lift. It also looks like they just added random trees and rocks around the outside to make space for a 4v4.
Haven is sexy, love everything about it. Exile is just such a fun time, even my team doesnt get the gauss or tank, good times are to be had on this map. Dominion on Exile however is the reason that i can ditch all my friends that play CoD to play halo, great game everytime i play it, even alone. But being with a squad of friends also just makes it that much better. I think my win/loss on dominion on exile is something crazy 40-3 haha its great
I dunno who you play with but Exile is horrible with a DMR. you can't even walk anywhere other than in hallways without getting shot. You must only connect to noobs. Try playing late at night when the assholes get home from work.
I love it for Flood though. The atmosphere is great and I didn't really find any unbalanced gameplay going on so far.
I agree, Dominion on Exile has got to be one of my favourite game modes to play, followed by BTB on Longbow. CTF on Complex is also really fun, even if I agree with whoever said it way back in the thread, Red team's flag is too easy to guard. After that, Haven for SWAT and 4v4 IS is amazing, because it is too easy to takeout campers in SWAT and there is literally nowhere good to camp in IS. Ragnarok just isn't suited to Halo 4's game style. Whilst one of my favourite Halo 3 maps, for some reason it has turned into which team can hold the sniper/Mantis the longest until they get sniper/beam/binary rifle ordnance. I think it has to do with Chain gun warthogs being the most useless piece of crap in the game. I swear I have more plasma pistol kills than warthog chain gun kills, the turret is so ridiculously nerfed that kills are nearly impossible to get. May as well take out the turret and use it as a passenger vehicle. Harvest is such a good SWAT map, except where the hill near the wall is, the one match I played on there I got 41 kills and a Killtrocity from standing on that hill with a DMR and sniping.
Ragnarock suits Halo 4 just fine. It's the DMR that ruins the BTB maps. If everyone had a BR instead they would be forced to actually come out from behind that rock or goto the other side of the map. The DMR should not be in Halo, period. I also think you can't get kills in a warthog because of plasma pistols and sticky grenades...if every single person didn't have those you wouldn't get blown up within 5 seconds of getting in the warthog, for the exception of people with lasers and stuff. Most people don't even attempt to get in a warthog in the matches I play... it's useless now and a suicide vehicle. They really ruined BTB in Halo 4. It can be repaired and fun again...but I doubt they will fix it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I did get a match on Abandon today and it was horrible for slayer, no map movement....I like it for Flood though.
Haven is easily my favourite map in the game. Meltdown is fun, Exile is good but way overplayed, and Adrift is a solid map. Abandon is a cluster****, is terrible, and should be renamed 'Grenade'. However, Complex is by far the worst map in the game, and should be renamed 'Rooftop DMR'. There isn't a single redeeming thing about Complex. It's too big, too open, the spawns are bad, map flow is nonexistent and that GODDAMN ROOFTOP.
This. That being said, the tweak(s) they made to the DMR have made a little too dominating on BTB maps. Either the bloom needs to come back closer to the level it was in Reach to combat the range it has, or that maximum effective range (the point at which the target reticle turns red when over a target) needs to be reigned in to combat it's increased accuracy, imo. But this isn't a DMR debate thread, so meh. The mention of Solace before reminded me that I quite like that map as well, except for with Oddball. Blue team seems to have a bit of an advantage on that map with Oddball like it does on Wreckage with CTF, for some reason. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Complex could be made better pretty quickly by just adding a Soft Kill Zone on top of that rooftop, imo.
No. Bloom is terrible, I don't ever want to see it again. I've been saying this even before Halo 4 was released, but they simply need to make the BR a 4 shot weapon again, or remove the improved scope and accuracy of the DMR compared to the BR. One of these two solutionis should counter its overpoweredness pretty effectively imo. And that is true so I'll shut up about that. I hate how in Halo 4 a lot of maps have unfair beginnings for one of the two teams when playing Oddball. That's also the only flaw I can think of concerning Haven (again; my favorite map in H4): red team wins almost every time, simply because they have an extremely easy grab at the Oddball of spawn which pretty much guarantees them 100 or more free points, making it very difficult for the blue team to catch up. Complex is also pretty lame for Flood. More and more people seem to vote for it but it's simply too hard to survive on your own as a human. It would be good for communication oriented and competitive gameplay, when you're trying to hold out on the roof with some buddies guarding every possible zombie approach, but it just doesn't work for Matchmaking standards. Again, Haven is best, and Abandon is really good too because although the elevators are good campspots, they're far from overpowered.
Heh, I actually find that, in Flood games, it's better to try and sneak off to an area nobody ever camps and just sit there, since none of the Flood players will think to look in out-of-the-ordinary spots. I got two back-to-back Last Man Standings by doing that on Complex the other day, hiding basically in plane sight in that little semi-circle area behind Red's base. It was simply because everyone else ran off to the usual camping spots on top of buildings and such so no one bothered to look over there. Admittedly, the camo likely helped me avoid being spotted by random passersby, but still.
I guess that could be enjoyable for once or twice, but since everyone plays Matchmaking Flood to get carnage going on, I don't think I would apply that tactic myself (in Matchmaking). But I guess it could be fun nonetheless.
It's not bloom or accuracy that is the problem with DMR, it is the weapon itself that doesn't belong in Halo.
Eh, I only play Flood (rarely) in Matchmaking to try and get the Commendations, and Last Man Standing is one of the medals that counts towards one of them. :/
I'm a fan of Haven and Abandon. Loved complex first week, hate it now. Hated adrift first week, I'm OK with it now. Solace is no bueno because no incentive to go bot.
You really hate that thing, don't you? You may have responded to this already, but can I ask how you'd feel about a damage drop off mechanic which would decrease its effectiveness significantly at these huge ranges without introducing inconsistency? Or do you think it should basically have a definitive upper limit to usable range? If the former, join the club. If the latter, then bear in mind that even the BR is potentially usable at these ranges, just so much weaker through inconsistency that it isn't worth doing and so doesn't kill the game. I'd argue that damage drop off achieves the same effect as BR spread but does it consistently. I know I'm really labouring this point, but I'm trying to build an army here. EDIT: Also, what are your thoughts on the CE Pistol as a comparison for precision weaponry?
I like most of the maps that shipped with the game with a few exceptions. I dislike Ragnarok, Exile, and Meltdown purely because of the stupid vehicles that IMO ruin gameplay. I'd love to see BTB with only Warthogs (NOT Gauss Hogs) and Ghosts, though an argument can be made for Banshees and even Wraiths. The Mantis and the Gauss hog are blatantly retarded, and I can't stand having to fight them. Vortex sucks just because it's a bad map. It's one of the few maps I dislike just because of the layout. Longbow is bar none my favorite BTB map. The layout is supurb, the vehicles are well-balanced, and overall it's just a lot of fun to play on. Nobody votes for it, though. Haven and Adrift are spectacular. I like Abandon well enough, and Solace is decent. I enjoy Complex well enough, but I really wish they'd take the Ghosts out for Infinity Slayer; I don't see why one should have to gimp one's Infinity Slayer loadout just to handle a douchebag who decided to Ghost it up. Haven't played much on the new maps yet, both because nobody plays them and because I'm not huge on BTB anyway.
Ragnorok is my least favorite, I honestly thought hell yea i want that map redone. Completly forgetting how terrible it is for the simple fact highpoint rules. maps should never have 1# point to rule from.