Intro Hello.Welcome to my clan sign ups.I already have two people in it and we are not officially started.I am starting this clan to get mongoose strategy noticed.I will list a few mongoose tips below.We are officially known as the World Racing Entertainment. The things we specialize in Well we take part in racing,rocket race,and mongoose kills.If you are new to this then I will help you out whether it be custom games,rocket race,or just mongoose tips.So we help out in everything possible.Thats it! The tips So here are a few tips to help you get around some problems you may or may not be having with the mongoose. Jump tips: 1:Average level people try to get down and creative so use hills and all mounds nere you as much as you can. 2:Try to get spicy and use your weapons to get you up,up,up,in the air. 3:The real good guys use anything they can to get them higher in the air. The weapons: Brute shot:This is probally the most weapon that you would want to be in your hands if you wanna pull of a jump. Spartan Laser:Just kill with this one.Just be careful. Rocket Launcher:Usable,but I recommend staying away. Sign ups: All you have to do is leave a visitor message at myprofile,or you may leave me a message via live saying you are signing up for the WRE.Gt is XSn1p3 X0utX
Sweet! Ive been getting into race map recently, its lots of fun. i dont think im good enough to join your clan, because i still have trouble driving sometimes. but ill for sure ask you guys for help once and a while. This project looks pretty awesome man, sure you guys are gonna do great and have a lot of ppl. asking for your help & asking to join the clan.
Of course you may join.Me and my brother will help you get a hold of your control first.Look at this very helpful vid containing some good tips.
Is this a clan or more of a group? Because I enjoy racetracks and have over 100 mongoose splatters but im not sure if Im willing to join a clan atm.