World of Warcraft: Good or Bad?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Valikus, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. Valikus

    Valikus Ancient
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    Ok, here it is, is WoW good or bad. I am of the opinion that it is bad because it is a waste of time in the end. No matter what you do, you can't be the best at it. Also the huge raids and what not, are completely stupid. You group up 2 weeks in advance and then you play the same thing for 5 hours because your group either sucks or people bail out. But on the other hand, for those who love to roleplay it is probably way cool, so long as people truly roleplay. But I don't know I think it is a lame game. But feel free to post your opinions of this game.
  2. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    You can be the best at it. fershure
    huge raids, yeah 5-10 whole people, pretty big. teamwork gameplay, complete stupid, everything should be soloable.

    2 weeks in advance? what.

    You do the same thing? Yep theres only ONE dungeon in the game. It's the SAME boss over and over right.

    People suck or bailout? Do you know what a guild is for? You get people who wont leave or suck. **** is easy

    It seems like all your views of WoW are old or skewed a bit. Anyone can skew stuff. Halo sucks, all you do is shoot people over and over. etc etc
    #2 Fbu, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  3. Valikus

    Valikus Ancient
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    I don't really see a way to be best at it but that's ok. You right on my opinions being a little out of date but the game hasn't changed to much. The 2 weeks in advance is what you have to do if you wish to get in some groups in a coop, if you aren't apart of a guild. And totally true about skewing Halo and anyother game for that matter, it just depends on what you like, I am not a huge RPer anymore so I prefer Halo. Thanks for the reply though. [​IMG]
  4. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    just so you know, RPers have their own like 5 servers. Out of 200 or something.

    I dont rp -_-
  5. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    The gameplay of WoW is great, what it does to people is bad.

    Your comment about it being "a waste of time in the end" is true for all games, not just WoW.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I used to play WoW. First of all, being the best isn't everything. and, if you are starting out this late, it would be damn hard to be "the best"

    You don't have to plan 2 weeks ahead for raids, just maybe a few days. And, if you don't want to get too serious about all of that, it's perfectly fine to play casually. Sure, if you want to be really good you have to be a little dedicated, but if not that's fine too.
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I would really like someone to explain to me what is NOT a waste of time.

    Than explain why.
  8. RealRico

    RealRico Ancient
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    See WoW players can say the same thing about halo. ¨Wow waste of time getting achivements that really dont do anything¨. IMO I dont think its bad, at times its useless but if the players enjoying what they are playing then to me its not a waste.
  9. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
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    Its only good if you can play it in moderation.

    But IMHO, its bad, I wasted the whole 6th grade on it...
  10. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I use to play WOW a lot around two years ago. I was in many guilds and more often than not I was an officer and helped control the guild. The responsibility was good as it taught me organization skills and customer service :surprise:mg:. Also, I was one of the many mods of a few guild websites I helped run.
    I use to play at work, on my free time, when I should be sleeping, and if I could play while going to the bathroom I would have. Eventually WOW became a burden and most of the cool people quit playing. I still played and then burning crusade came out and all the people that quit came back. We had fun for a while, but then the game became repetitive. It became less fun and my fun experience turned into a crappy experience.
    Around a year and a half ago I got fed up. I gquit and left my guild without a MT. Told my friends I was done. Uninstalled the game and snapped the discs in half. When I did so it felt as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. It felt good and I have not looked back since. WOW is fun if you like the social aspect of it and like killing the opposing faction. However, I find it boring and stressful.
  11. Valikus

    Valikus Ancient
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    I will agree that it is good in moderation, but you need to spend alot of time to be good. Casual play really isn't too much of an option if you wish to be good, as in all games. You can't casual play and become a General in Halo. You can, however, casual play to get achievements, for the most part. But what it comes down to I guess, is what you like in a game, I personally prefer to shoot/beatdown people rather than cast spells at them.
  12. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    You can casual play, my friend is a SUPER casual, plays one hour during the week and maybe 4 total weekend. He has decent loot, enough to compete. Blizz made it very casual friendly now. It'll be even more so when the X-pac comes out.
  13. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    Yea my first time playin Wow i played for 6 hours straight and didnt knowit haha
    I dont think its bad but its not great either
  14. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Somebody should blow this thread up with +25 fire magic. Theres a reason why WoW is the number one most played mmorpg....because its GOOD! I had fun playing it, and i was barely doing anything! And i was playing by myself! I could only imagine how fun it would have been if i had been playing with somebody the day i bought the game....

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