World Cup 2010: South Africa Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iRaynne, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Am I the only one who thinks that the Vuvuzelas sound like a bunch of bees?
  2. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    Utter, utter joke. Whatever that Ref is smoking it cleary effects his vision. Seriously where is the video ref in football?

    Either that or he's a secret German.
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    The German-England game was honestly one of the best played that I have seen. Both teams kept pressure on the other, and I'm actually surprised about the score in the end. England is one of my favourites, but Germany was my number one, but I still agree that the goal should have counted. FIFA must add another two refs behind every net, because twice to England has it happened like this, although back in '66 it was counted as a goal when it shouldn't have been.

    The reffing was bad, I would have to agree. But it's not the ref's fault, nor is it his assistant's fault. The assistant who should be the one helping with that call was 15 metres out and that is a hard call to make.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    US is out...That sucks. We definitely deserved to win after all their diving and delaying the game ****. We never gave up
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Everyone I've talked to actually said otherwise. Ghana had much more control of the ball, and even if they did try to delay the game the extra time at the end tries to get it as close to 90 Min as possible.
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah but Ghana's players were bitchin out on that whole fall down and act hurt ****. Half the time they weren't even touched. It was a good game though and even though we lost the U.S. proved to the world that they should take our team seriously even if Soccer ain't our number one sport.

    I personally hope Brazil gets out, i mean yeah it'd be cool to see them win twice in one decade but they just win too much, im rootin Argentina (if they didn't lose to Mexico that is i didn't watch today).

    Germany is in a good running but i think there gona hit a wall with either Japan or who ever else is left, and come on England........ they really arn't that good, Manchester United didn't even qualify for the European Cup last time, i think Italy or Slovakia won it.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    You seem to be new to Soccer, that happens at the end of every game

    Japan - Germany would be in the semi finals, I highly doubt that Japan will come that far.
    Inter Milan won the European Cup this year. If you mean the european championship, Spain win that one.

    How do you even compare Japan and Slovakia to teams like Germany and Italy? Germany is placed 6th, Italy 5th, Slovakia 34th and Japan 45th.
    Also, why is England bad? Because ManU didn't qualify for the European Cup? 2 English players play for ManU at the moment ...
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Not new to it at all. I thought that we were playing really well in the second half, and Ghana's ridiculous dives didn't even look close to being a real injury, I'm mean come on, a dedender came off on a stretcher from him falling on himself. That just amazes me. Sure Ghana was winning the first half, but we came back second half, with so many chances
  9. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I never said your team played bad, I enjoyed watching the US Games and I think the team will be a force in the future
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The Reffing really hurt the U.S. this year, especially in the Slovakia game. U.S. would have been in a better standing going into the Ghana game. Same went for England's game today, had the goal actually been counted the game could have had a totally different dynamic going into the second half.
  11. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I agree completely. The game could have been either way IF that goal was allowed. After it wasn't England kinda lost in their minds and just starting to fatigue much faster. During the final 15 minutes they never seemed to really try it seems. It saddens me.

    Exactly what LD said, Germany is 6th place in the world. Japan is 45th. I was actually surprised they've made it into the group of 16 as is. The game Germany may go out is Argentina. One of the top offensive teams still left against one of the better defensive teams. And even if they lose out, I know they'll be trying.

    Their team is a young one and will probably still have more players from around now later on when the other team's stars are retiring. Sports are all about building for the future, and the German team is going to have a bright future ahead of them.

    What I actually see from this, though, is that you're angry that your team get eliminated, so you're just throwing things out there with backing.
  12. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Funny how people keep saying that every four years.
    Logic and patriotism don't seem to be best friends.
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    LD if your basing a team off there standings that logic is totally flawed. Um the U.S. wasnt the hottest team in the world and it was a major surprise we did so good, and you even stated that Japan is what 45th? and there still in it, its just like online gaming rank dont mean **** rank has nothing to do with team skill, the cup shows that clearly. And I mean the European Cup 2 summers ago, and yes MU only has about 2 players but MU being the dominate team in England can make an effect on how the National team looks.

    Yes i dont watch international games, im too busy with the MLS, (Go Dynamo).

    And i couldnt really get a feel for Germany in the game, it seemed as if it was a mix match with England v. Germany, kinda like how Argentina looked amazing against Mexico its just hard to tell how good they are when they play teams that are .............. Average.
  14. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    I don't really see how the bad reffing "hurt" the US. They won their group in spite of it. It's not like bad reffing knocked them into second and forced them to play Germany.

    What hurt the US was:

    - No wold class finisher at Striker. Altidore had better start finishing the great chances he creates if USA wants to compete with the superpowers in soccer.

    - Bad defending. The US just got beat early often in the games, and were trailing. Nobody wants to be in that situation. The US D would either be overhauled and be fixed by next WC (3 of the 4 starters most likely won't return) or could prove weak again.

    - Chasing. It's exciting to watch the US try to win it late, but if they want to be a power in soccer they need to put teams away early. The goal they allowed to Ghana early wasn't because of reffing, it was bad D. Goals late or in stoppage time to win or tie are exciting, but really aren't what a "great" soccer team wants to be relying on. And the reason the US was often chasing was the weak D and not finishing chances.

    All in all, it was an exciting WC run, but most fans really had to see the end coming. At least the USA didn't have to face Germany, or it would have been a much worse departure.
  15. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah i agree on the D. I mean Ghana scored twice up the right by the same guy, they would be too focused on mid field and leave the sides wide open.

    Also depending on Donovan for scores is a killer too. I mean if it weren't for his penalty shot it would have ended 1-0. And with him possibly leaving the question is can we bring some of these 20 and 22 year olds up and make it so they can preform at a international level.

    And i like Bradly (haha i was just like reminiscing on how Howard missed goals he shouldnt have my bad) as a coach but i kinda have to put some blame on him, i mean dude changing line ups in the first 30 that just called bad planning, not knowing crap about who your gona play before hand.

    Overall im really impressed by what we did but we have a long way to go to be playing on such a high level of intensity.
    #55 CaptnSTFU, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  16. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Bob Bradley is the coach, not Howard. Howard is the goalie
  17. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah no i just got that i was thinking about Howard when i wrote that, cause i mean Howard is good goalie but letting that shot in in the begging and that random how the f did Ghana get that its just like he could have blocked it.
  18. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    both goals were the defenses fault. For the first, the defense did not pressure the ball at all, which let the guy have an open touch to the side and an open shot on net. It shouldn't have even happened. The second was just lack of effort. The defense just let that guy run by them. It was ridiculous.
  19. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    I have to say, I agree with the bad defense. But part of the reason Ghana also won was because of our inability to shut the opposing team down early. The US went into the WC knowing they were the underdogs, because everywhere else in the world, soccer (or football) is their lives. Take a look at any country in the world; they eat, sleep, breathe, crap, and die with soccer somewhere in their lives. The US just isn't that way, we have other sports like American football, or basketball, or baseball to keep us entertained. It's just how we are. But you gotta hand it to Donovan, Dempsey, Bradley, Altidore, and everyone else on the team. They made the United States believe. There won't be a third knockout in a row by Ghana next time...

    However, I must say that watching this WC as a new fan of the sport has been awesome so far. I haven't paid attention to it since the US got knocked out, but what I've heard has been awesome. As for my prediction, I think it will be Argentina and Portugal in the championship, with Portugal taking the title. Money says I'm wrong, but hey, a new soccer fan can take a poke at this every now and then right?
  20. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    The reason England are bad is their utter failure to work as a team. What we had was a collection of decent players who didn't know how to work together and so spent half the match running about doing nothing but acting like utter knobs. In Rooney's case that was the entire game, I don't even know why he was kept on the pitch.

    This was shown in the utter travesty of our defence. Yes later on in the 1st half our attack speeded up, that was shown by the goal (well two goals) we scored which could have pushed us back into the running and even helped win us the game. And yet look at the two goals Germany scored and you can easily see why we lost so badly; everytime the ball even got into our half after an attack the defenders weren't even there, which left David James on his own against two decent strikers. Cue 4 goals.

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