
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by diger44, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    "Battle in this cliff-side office building, but try not to splatter too much blood - Management a.k.a. diger44. 2-10 Players"
    Hello everyone! This is my first new thread on forgehub since February :)o it's been that long??). Well with that out of the way, I present to you today my first Halo: Reach map, "Workplace". Workplace has a semi-interesting background. It started out as a strictly aesthetic office building on a cliff, but about halfway through, I decided it should be a competitive map. I converted the first half of the map, adding new passages and walkways, then continued on with the map. Because of this, the "red" side (the one with the conference table), is not as complex as the defender's side, which was designed after. But fear not, I have tested the gameplay and it seams to work out ok.
    Supported Gametypes
    As stated above, the supported gametypes are as follows:

    • FFA Slayer
    • Team Slayer
    • King of the Hill*
    • Crazy King
    • Multi-Flag
    • One Fla
    • Headhunter
    • Stockpile*
    • Infection*

    King of the Hill is not recommended, because the hills don't spawn quite right, but Crazy king is fine.

    One Flag had odd gameplay, so I can't recommend it.

    Stockpile was very hard to get equi-distant flag spawns, so it's not recommended

    Infection... Why would you WANT to play Infection here anyway?

    Capture the Flag and Stockpile Notes:
    Above the Red spawn, there is an overhead passageway. In both CTF and Stockpile, I deemed it too unfair for the blue team because of its man cannon access. In order for me to block this, I cannot turn off the man-cannons as it is need in all other game types, so "Game Specific" was not an option. Soft Death was not an option because you can run through it in less than 10 seconds. Hard Death was too strict. One way barriers were over my limit. I settled on a solid block. When you go off either of the man cannons, you simply hit the block and fall down stupidly, deal with it.
    To be honest with you, I don't have access to the map at this moment, but if I can recall, it's something like:

    • 12 AR's
    • 8 DMR's
    • 4 Magnums
    • 1 Shotgun (0 spare clips)
    • 1 Grenade Launcher (4 shots total)
    • 20 or so Plasma Nades.
    Layout and Pictures
    Main Room + Shotgun Spawn (closer to blue spawn)
    Conference Room
    Kitchen and tables
    Another view looking into the Conference Room
    Looking down into blue base
    Looking the opposite way onto the ramp which divides into 2 levels.
    Lower Floor on blue side (man cannon fountain is inoperable)
    Upper floor with a look at the security desk.
    Loft (Grenade launcher behind strut)
    Break area. Lift at back goes to conference room.
    The Boss's corner office, also blue spawn
    Red Spawn (Lift goes to upper passageway)
    The upper passageway coming out into the main corridor

    #1 diger44, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010

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