Work Out Tips?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lone Deity, May 15, 2009.

  1. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I plan to do a workout schedule like this. It's modeled after the Matthew Maconehey (sp? [sarcasm]) famous dude who's in all those chick flicks.

    • Workout A
    • Cardio
    • Workout B
    • Carido
    • Workout A

    On the cardio day I plan to run 3 miles, some jump rope, then swim some laps in my pool.

    Just BTW, I did 1133 pogo jumps last week. You'd be surprised how sore your forearms after that.

    Good so far? Should I switch up the order?
    #21 Lone Deity, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  2. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Age: 15 and a half
    Weight: 154 lbs
    Height: 5' 8 3/4"
    Maximum Bench Press 1 Rep: 190 lbs
    Maximum Squat 1 rep: 315 lbs
    Max # of Dips: 32
    40-time: 4.72
    Duration working out: 1 year

    What I do Lone, when I get done working out, I drink a bunch of chocolate milk 30-90 minutes after the workout. I also maintain a little diet, I try to stay away from junk foods as much as I can. I eat lots of protein, drink milk and I eat TONS of fruits.

    If you want I could give you the workout routine I do.

    Edit: I've also got quite the 6-pac so I could give you the ab workouts I do also.
    #22 Rejecting You, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  3. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Have you ever tried to do double crunches? Those are excellent for working all your abdomen muscles, rather than a regular crunch or sit-up which works the top two. If you don't understand what it is, it's when you do a crunch, but with your legs in the air and you lift your head and bring your legs closer to your head as you lift your head.

    It's kinda like your are scrunching your body. They are one of the greatest ab workouts though, and more can be done. So instead of doing 50 sit-ups and 50 leg-lifts, you can do 50 double crunches, and you get the same workout, saving you lots of time.
  4. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    You can also do V-Ups which are a little harder, but the more pain the more gain. :)
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Or buy some protein and make a protein drink of some kind.
  6. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    Make sure not to over work your muscle. Instead of getting more tone you can seriously damage your muscles and cause some major problems. While working out be sure to drink water before, during, and after exercise. Eat a good diet too so you won't gain the fat back.
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Ugh, I need to go to the gym again. Although I went to the gym for four days while I was on holiday out of bboredom. I was only there for 2-3 hours a day, but it certainly put my arm muscles and pecs in proportion (they're not big now at all, but they were atrocious before).

    Don't kill yourself with weights if you're 16 or less. Seriously I tried a pyramid scheme when on holiday, and my muscles just constantly pulled/tweaked/tore in my arms for months afterwards. Kinda put me off.

    Nitrous's Spartan scheme looks good. Does it only work if you were fat before though? Because i'm as scrawny as **** (but 6ft tall)
  8. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    if any of you want strong toned legs and strong glutes, cycle.
    keeps u in superb state of fitness, skinny (ish, depends if ur a climber or sprinter) and ur muscular endurance will improve.
    i ride for a team here in england, i ride 2 hours a day and since i started 3 years ago ive become a good athlete, this summer i plan to train in italy and south africa (Y)
    gd luck with building ur core strength. i tend to do 60 sit - ups a day and when i get to the gym i lift light weights. i never benchpress however, strong triceps is more my focus, but not big ones.
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Lol, glad a thread like this finally appeared. I'm also going to intercept some workouts by posting my criedentials and asking for any feedback on what I can do. Seeing Summer's around the corner, I also need to tone myself for upcoming sports and such.

    Weight-105 lb

    For my age, that's just average. I've worked out past years, and still have the existing muscles but they're slowly fading away, so I'm not exactly scrawny. During the Summer I'll be extremely athletic, and try to stay in shape, but only in Spring-Summer. Fall and Winter is usually when I kick back in relax. But I need a nice workout routine that could build my body up. I'm looking to gain a six-pack, nice biceps/triceps, and sturdy calves by the end of the summer (September), plus improving my breathing. I run out of breather rather quickly I find.

    Any routines, or paths you could lead me in would be extremely helpful. Anywhere from equipment, sports, and food. Currently, I have no equipment besides the Push up Pro thing, which is extremely ****ing hard let me tell you.

    As I said before, any little feedback or comment is grateful.
    #29 Playerhata27, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  10. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Well I tried out my workout. It turns out I can do 3 pushups.

    I broke my arm in early August of '08, so I don't know why I still can't do them with my palms on the ground.

    Other than that, it went pretty well. I think I might at some squats and more curls to it though.
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Do knuckle push-ups instead. Make a fist, plant your knuckles on the ground instead of your palms. It may be that your arm was never properly rehabilitated after you broke it, so you might want to look into visiting a rehab specialist to get your arm back in shape.
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I personally think that you are too young to work out, but when you do you need to make sure that you keep racking on the weight.

    For Bench I start with the bar 8 reps
    Then I add 25's on each side do 8 reps
    I take the 25's off and add 45's do 6 reps
    I put 25's on with the 45's do 6 reps.
    I take the 25's off and put 45's on 4 reps
    I put tens on and max out usually getting about = 220
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    He's not too young to work out, he just doesn't need to go full jock-douchebag and start piling on the weights. There are tons of body-weight exercises that can get you in amazing shape no matter how old or young you are.
  14. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    you should really concentrate on cardio and conditioning rather than weight training
    you're too short to be doing weights, maybe a little is fine, but it shouldnt be your focus
    you're only 135lbs so you should work on technique and speed, its where you have your best chance to improve the most
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    There is no such thing as being 'too short' or 'too young' to lift weights. If you lift properly, then you will be perfectly fine. The myth comes from children who lift improperly because of inexperience and then they **** themselves up.
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    ^^^ actually, I don't think an unborn fetus is supposed to work out... gotchya thar! (i'm so funny right?)
    on topic,
    I'd suggest steadily adding weight, then add sets to each rep.
    You need more breaks in between so you can recover, don't just max out to show off (if that's partially what you're trying to do).. instead slowly work your weight up, add sets, and then you'll prbly be able to max out at a greater weight.

    That's what we did in pole vaulting/running in track.. about an hour after each practice.
    #36 Monolith, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  17. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    is yur name donii?
  18. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    no hang on, if u start weight lifting too young it can affect your growth and may end up making u stay under 5ft 6 which pretty is short. theres a lad in my 6th form who lifted weights for years and he hasnt grown, hes just a ripped, small, vein pumping stump.

    But if ur careful or lift after puberty then u should be alright, i only do light weights for relatively toned arms and strong triceps (cyclists neeed them too climb well)
  19. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    wait what hes 14 and 5ft 9 almost hes probably reached puberty already and is that true could someonelse confirm that
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Good lord people, he isn't trying out for the ****ing Olympics. It's perfectly fine to begin weight training in supervised moderation at his age. He won't stunt his growth or any other crap like that. Amateur athletes who do serious day-to-day training for hours on end are the ones that stifle their bodies growth at young ages.

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