Football is coming up this summer, and I want to have a good start. I'm already pretty well built, here's my info: Fourteen on June 24 5 feet, 8.75 inches 135 pounds Athletic build, I play many other sports. I won offensive MVP at lacrosse, so I'm not terrible at sports. I want to play defensive end, and if I can improve my catching, tight end. At the moment, this is my routine: 80 pound bench press, ten reps I don't know what this is called, but I take two barbells, about fifteen pounds each, palms facing outward, and do 10 curls. 80 pound bench press, fifteen reps 10 curls 80 pound bench press, fifteen reps 10 curls Then if I have time, a little more. I'm aiming to come in as an impressive freshmen, grow, and play more as a 10th grader. Ideas on how to make a better routine? On my weight bench I also have a preacher curl pad thing with weights for that.
ido 80lbs bench 3 sets of 15(like you) dumbell press 25lbs on each arm bicep curls 25lbs, 3 sets of 20 3 sets of 50 crunches, 100 on 3rd preacher curl 50 lbs, 3 sets of 10 lat workout with dumbell 20lbs, 3 sets of 10 pecks, with dumbells, 25lbs each, 3 sets of 10 and 10 pull ups, 3 sets.
You're too young to weight train. Just do the spartan workout. It doesn't involve a terrible amount of weight lifting, its tough on your muscles but not in the way of harming them. It's the home version: [media][/media]
If you want power, you need to build up your abdominal muscles. It's not called a core workout for nothing. People usually fit these in if they have time, but to be strong and powerful you need strong abs. Front and side planks are great, and to really blow them out grab onto a pullup bar and do some leg raises. Do some reading on Men's, there are some great articles there for any level. I've been doing a version of the 300 workout on and off for some time now, and I've seen some pretty huge gains. The most important thing to remember is to vary up the exercises every 4-6 weeks or so. The body has a knack of adapting very quickly and will slow down your gains.
Well this 1 exercise my coach made us do involves using a 10 pound bar, and add 3 5 pound plates on each side. You start with the 6 and keep pulling it up over and over again until you are tired. When you say enough, 2 plates come off and it is just as hard as having 6, and so you go on like that until you have no plates and keep going until you drop the bar, then you hold 50 pound plates on each hand for as long as 2 minutes. Man the week after doing that made me sore as **** but felt good. Feeling sore after a workout does though.
You need to work out other parts of your body, especially your core muscles. Core muscles will give you balance, increase power, and help you breathe better. Make sure you extend your arms all the way as well when coming out of a single curl to work both your triceps and biceps. I know alot of people who don't extend all the way and the become really inflexible.
I don't want to hijack your thread (pretty sure I am) but I have a similiar question and I feel it would be a waste of space to post another thread. I'm weak as **** and I want to start working out so I'm not such a doorstep. Where should I start? I don't think going to the gym and benching 70 pounds is going to improve my self eesteem. My house is to small to buy a bench press.
It doesn't matter if it helps your self-esteem or not, if you want to get bigger you need to work out and take in more carbs. Also, look at your parents or ask them if they were small at your age and are now too. If your parents are generally build weak, you will have a much harder time building yourself up than someone with larger parents.
Well, I used to be fat but now, I'm in much better shape from lifting between 8th and 9th grade. Heard fat turns to muscle fast. I don't know what you mean by weak as in skinny or fat. For skinny, starting low is good. But also have a lot of reps for each set. So far, I don't experience people making fun of each other for not lifting a lot of weight because everyone starts somewhere.
That 300 workout looks pretty hardcore. I just don't know what to substitute the stuff with because besides my weight bench, I have no room to work with. Is there somewhere on that site that has the exercises divided into core, back, etc.?
Listen to squidy. Work on core. Do lots of leg lifts, sit ups, twists, etc. Anything to improve your core strength. One of the things I like to do (seeing as I live in the boonies) is to go running through the hills. It can beat the **** out of you sometimes and its super hard to maintain a constant rate of speed, unlike an asphalt road.
I live near the water in Florida. I don't even know where closest natural hill to me is. Lacrosse ended about two weeks ago so I need to start running again...
Hills suck but running is important plus I'm just gonna run a few miles a day this summer and do core workouts since i don't need the arm muscles also i say steroids ftw JK
Running in the sand is an excellent workout. There's no flat surface to stabilize your body, so it has to work extra hard to maintain balance. Your legs will be on fire (and so will your lungs) after some sprints. Don't worry about size, concentrate on gaining power. If you notice all of the most bad-ass martial artists aren't huge in the slightest. They're lean, quick, and powerful. That is what will get you noticed if you want to get into sports.
Working out at your age will stunt your growth. All you really need to do is play your best, and do the drills. Maybe look up football drills and practice those in your yard or something.
Do aerobics and improve your breathing. Don't lift too many weights, over buffness at a young age messes your body up. Work on your upper body and triceps, I figure those should help a lot, especially in football.
you dont need to lift a ton at your age. but 50-100 sit ups and push when you wake up and before you go to sleep will help a lot. also just build up your wind as much as you can, run a lot. realistically, bench doesnt help you much at all. its just like a general measure to compare strength for guys. and dudes that just wanna look beefy. focus more on core and endurance.
only drink a sports beverage if ur wokking our for over an hour. amd after your done its a good idea to drink chocolate milk. it helps. btw taking a long hot bath after a work out loosens up ur muscles and u can work them again sooner.