Can someone make me a sign with a red background that says Forensic Medical Examiner? It should be printable on 1 page of paper. Feel free to make it how ever you want but keep it school appropriate. I need it for a project.
What type of sign are you looking for? Stop sign? If its just that easy just open up MS Paint and paste it in...
HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hells I can tell u put like 5 hours into that but I gots one for 'Coon... It's 8x11 (I think normal is 8 1/2 x 11) and it's kinda bright but w/e.
Both are amazing but I think i'll go with Lord Terrax's but can you add the word forensic aboxe it and make it shorter /\ way ll \/
Thank You ssssssssssssoooooooooooo much!! What program did you use? I can't +rep u.....i did it to recently
I used PhotoShop CS... All the pic is, is a heavily smudged background with a bunch of C4d's set to color dodge w/ some text...
Buy it... or go the not so good route and DL it... Also u can borrow and install ur friends. Of course I don't recommend the second two cuz they are bad.
is it possible to put the words in the middle and make it longer then higher? jw.....if you can't it is not an issue
I can't with retaining the same stuff in the pic... I could cut off the bottom though and move the words but thats about it.