Title says it all. Woman yells at a man, slaps him and in turn gets slapped back. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcLCTxTUwos I'd say she got what she deserved.
Hehe, I have to admit, that it damn funny. Why would he slap her back though? That doesn't make sense. Oh well, as long as it is good, it is funny.
I'd say it makes perfect sense, the man felt disrespected and unsatisfied that he was slapped and figured that was just cause to slap her back. Personally I thought she deserved it, although I am not for violence against women but this was retaliation.
I have to agree with the host of that little video (nice touch that he was on the crapper). I've never hit a woman and I probably never will, but you can't haul off and slap someone without facing some sort of consequences. Maybe next time she'll think twice about belting someone.
Slapping a woman? Thats low man, either go for a full punch or nothing at all. Slapping earns a man no respect.
Ouch, the sound of that slap sounded quite painful, both of them But, what did the guy say in the beginning? I think that she got what she deserved too, even though I personally wouldn't have done that...
gonna have to go with Mallet on this one... i wouldnt ever hit a girl. However, she is nothing special herself... women of that nature usually slap men around for whatever they want because they dont think theres any retaliation coming.
I dunno if I would hit her back, but I think it is different over in India. I think the women are supposed to be more respectful to men. Seriously though, I would only hit a girl if she like punched me in the balls like 10 times and falcon punched me or some ****.
hahahahaha oh my GOD that was great! bish ^.^ plus was it just me or did she look frighteningly scary? D; i dont like her face....it deserved to be slapped. p.s. the black guy made it funny ;]
Checking out all the vids are we Toochie? Yeah, she did look rather scary. In my opinion, she got what was coming to her.