WNC- Weekend night customs!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nuk3dd, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. Nuk3dd

    Nuk3dd Forerunner

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    Well it started off as FNC on Friday nights. After having hundreds of people join we decided lets do Saturdays too. So here it is.
    Weekend night customs​

    Friday nights and Saturday nights from around 6 PM central U.S. time to ~midnight/1 am.
    There are dedicated hosts who play submitted gametypes through 7S or anything that looks cool.
    Votes are taken on known gametypes. Hosts have power over the games, but you have the ability to report a host for being retarded. Or just don't join his game...wow that was hard. To submit your own gametypes please look at the bottom of this thread
    To join just look at the list of hosts below. Send them a private chat invite/FR and join the session during the specified times.
    New things-
    Might decide to add dedicated lobbies for racetypes, obstacle courses, you know the usual.
    Anyways just seeing who would be up for this, FNC was huge so I can see this growing.
    For hosts-
    Interested in becoming a WNC host? Just sign up using this format-
    Old hosts please sign up again!
    Connection speed? (Post one from speedtest)
    Hosts- I will PM you a document with all the shnaz in it once you sign up.
    List of hosts-
    (Gamertag/Preferred join method/Custom lobby)(Join in order on the list, if #1 is full do #2, etc.)
    1. Elysian Halo/Priv. Chat/NA
    2. S1k Sh07z
    3. xCrEepY

    To submit your own gametype- Please use this program
    Use my program to post your maps! - Se7enSins Forums
    And post the format provided on this thread. Thank you, see you on the weekend!

    Original thread-
    WNC- Weekend night customs - Se7enSins Forums
    #1 Nuk3dd, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  2. Schochr

    Schochr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Im down for some customs 2night.

    GT: Schochr

    I'll send 1 of you an invite anyways.

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