Hey everybody. Now that Forge can finally take off for real I thought I'd sign up and find all the good maps. Here's my first submission: Sorcerer I would have more DLs but keep on taking it down for revisions. Seems like a thousand people have already done this; this is my third and hopefully final version of Sorcerer. Sorcerer is only set up for slayer, ctf, king of the hill, and multi-team (since it has four bases anyways). It stays pretty true to its predecessors, but I wasn't afraid to add things for Halo 3: a power drainer below the camo and a couple of maulers replacing shotties are the only big differences. [img width=800 height=600]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/Patawan/Halo%20screenshots/15183597-Full.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=600]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/Patawan/Halo%20screenshots/15183902-Full.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=600]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/Patawan/Halo%20screenshots/15184031-Full.jpg[/img] I think the map stays pretty true to the originals. I wasn't amazingly anal retentive about getting each spawn point exactly like it was before, but it shouldn't be a problem.
I barely remember this map in Halo 2, been brainwashed by Halo 3 maps, weapons, etc, but yea almost like the actual map. Only thing that is different is the low ceiling :. Oh yea, this map was fun. The shotguns were the ultra-weapon here. So were the BR'S
This is a well thought out map. I prefer it over the other one posted here. Not that the other is bad. My suggestion is to work on the bases a bit. You need to make the health pack area enclosed. It is a bit open as it is now.
Nicely done. Be careful with those spawn points, though...I understand you not wanting to go all psycho on making sure they're perfect from Halo 2, but do check to see if they work. Other than that, congrats on a great remake!
Thanks. Yeah, I've work out the spawning issues; this map is now complete (fingers crossed). The link at the top has been changed to the new version. I lost about 30 downloads, but w/e. I'm more concerned about making it a fun map to play. Only potential problem is spawn placement, but that requires some play-testing to figure out.
Good map, but I'm generally not DL'ing remakes, so sorry but no DL. But I would play it if someone else had it.