What is it? Its bad, you haven't mastered the art of repetition (I have btw), the text is 2008 and the light just seems out of place and tacked on.
agreed. have you considered using impact condensed? it's is a lot better of a font. birth of a hero is an awesome font too. its really original. i say if you switch the font to one of those it'll be golden. you'll be a master of repition like me and that guy above this comment
Please tell me your joking! IMO it's great, the only thing i might change is maybe make the last "With the lights out" black or a darker colour just to add some more contrast, and more impact on your audience.
i would personally make the text darken as it goes down, like the one below the top would be darker than top and so on. other than tat i think the text could be a different font. good job otherwise though.
Birth of hero is one of the most ugly overused fonts I've ever seen, sorry. I don't understand the purpose of repitition in this piece. It has no purpose and really wouldnt work in any circumstances in my honest opinion.
Then you don't get it then. Most of you don't really see the point or what art should be about anymore. Like it or not thanks for the comments. .
I mean yeah, I get the meaning, but I don't think the repitition adds any artistic value. No need to say I don't understand art bro. Usually art comes with an inspiration and tries to find reasons to do certain things, the extreme amount of repitition in this piece doesn't have a reason as far as I can tell.
Well that comment wasn't just to you I hope you see that. Most of the people here aren't really artistic in the mind ( dont want to sound cocky but it shows alot). Dont want to start getting into something about what art is but yeah its self preference. Oh and thats the point, there is no point to this. Its suppose to make a statement which it still seems to be hidden. .
Dude I've seen your other works of art and they look great, I don't really get why people say this isn't art though cuz I thought art meant freedom of expression, anywho I'm ranting so sorry. Would you mind explaining what the message is though for those less fortunate in the brain xD P.S to all the other haters or people who don't beleive its art, there's meaning to everything and art can be whatever you want it to be not what everyone thinks it is :/