Wishbone Alley

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Dr D04K, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title:
    Wishbone Alley - Based on the shape the bottom layer path carves through the raised platforms.

    Download map

    Description: Whoever breaks off the bigger piece, gets their wish...
    Wishbone Alley is a small symmetrical competitive arena map with three levels of elevation. It is a mix of close quarters combat and medium-long range precision shooting. It is built on Tempest, which gives the map warm aesthetic, and uses the plasma pulse as a backdrop to help break up the sea of gray. It is partially roofed with kill zones thoroughly placed to prevent map breaking.

    As of now, it only supports Slayer game types (and only 2 teams), a version 2 will support more game types once I have sufficient feedback to place objectives in their optimal locations.

    2-10 players are recommended, though I would suggest 4-8 as ideal.

    1 Sniper (1 spare clip)
    1 Rocket (1 spare clip, placed at start in team games, not in FFA)
    2 Grenade Launchers (4 spare clips)
    2 Needlers (1 spare clip)
    1 plasma rifle
    6 DMR
    2 NR
    3 plasma pistols
    2 magnums
    2 plasma grenades
    4 frag grenades

    Looking back at rocket spawn and red and blue initial spawn platforms

    Closer look at rocket spawn and the paths that give the map its name

    A view from behind rocket spawn

    A look at Needler and Grenade Launcher spawn and blue tactical jump

    Needler spawn from the other view, also notice NR spawn

    Center structure, also visible is sniper tunnel side entrance and middle ramp entrance

    Sniper tunnel side entrance

    Sniper spawn from sniper tunnel side entrance

    Sniper middle ramp entrance, also notice health pack

    Sniper spawn from top of middle ramp entrance

    center structure

    Yellow tactical jump

    Download map

    #1 Dr D04K, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011
  2. BlondishFiber

    BlondishFiber Forerunner

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    Wow nice work there!
    Sorry but i cant download this map cuz i dont got this map pack but if i would ill would give it an dl!
    But plz dont use 5x5 and 4x4flat blocks they look terrible..
    But good jobb there!
  3. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    LOL, its like a fried spam sandwich!
    Thats spam bro, you have to actually say something.

    Anyway, looking at the pictures, this looks pretty cool. I dl'd it and Ill get back to you. I do notice a lot of objects with glass or lights or both which worries me. Thats a red flag for framerate issues. The map itself looks pretty good though, I can tell better in person so I will check it out. I do like the name though, lol, it sounds familiar.
  4. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the good vibes.

    @ BlondishFiber - Unfortunately, I'm only able to work with what is available in Forge. This map would have been impossible without 4x4 and 5x5 blocks, but when possible, I didn't use them.

    @ zombievillan - I haven't experienced any frame rate lag so far (but I haven't done extensive testing in split screen), probably due to the fact that its built on Tempest, which is better for that in my experience than Forge World.

    I'm eager to get some gameplay feedback, especially if people are noticing any spawn issues, or too much camping in the central structure, or if the sniper is too OP. I haven't found any of these to be problems, but more players means more unusual situations are encountered.
  5. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    This has got to be one of the most complicated designs for a map I've ever seen, and it looks fantastic! The aesthetic design and the logistics of the map look superb (it looks like a frikkin' maze but at the same time is entirely symmetrical). The gameplay would be awesome on this. This map would be absolutely complete if only there was just a bit more to fill it out with (some scenery, crates, anything to just liven it up just that tiny bit more). It looks both amazing and just slightly dull at the same time. Also you may want to put just a few more grenades in looking at the size of the map; just six grenades sounds a little on the small side. Anyway, awesome map and very well built. Matchmaking standard np.
  6. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No, 6 grenades is enough, this map isnt as big as it looks in the pics. I think you are fine in that area. I checked it out, but I still havent played it. Feel free to send me an invite when you do play it sometime but I have some comments on what I saw.

    I havent built on Tempest so I am not sure but the amounts of glass and lights reflecting on eachother make it very hard to believe there is no Framerate lag but I could be wrong. How many people have played on this at once during your testing? I am almost positive that its a lagfest in split screen though, but many good maps do anyways so thats not too bad. The few critiques I have are with the layout.

    I dont like the several skinny pathways following the outer edge of the map. They have a great advantage, mainly the highest ones. Players could easily team shoot anyone on lower ground (which is the entire rest of the map) and back up into cover way too easy. Grenades wouldnt be too much of a counter for this since Reaches nades are kinda screwy. Its just a personal thing with me though, too many skinny walkways doesnt make for a good gamestyle in my experience.

    Also, its very easy to quickly get from one "base" to the other. The 2 teams only have to run around the front area by Rocket spawn to get to the opposing teams starting area. I would keep that in mind when you decide to go back and add the objectives like flags and bombs and such. You will want to give the teams a better chance of taking different routes instead of meeting there in that same spot over and over again. The Rocket rush at the beginning is cool but all in all it would not work for thje objectives to spawn in the same area as the teams starting spawns are.

    The one last thing isnt a big deal, but in my own personal preference, I would have the starting spawns all face the same direction, most likely towards the center of the map. It promotes teamwork more efficiently. I understand you want them to see and approach different areas of the map but when playing a map, you know where the power weapons are so if you face straight you can always turn the direction you want.Its not a big deal, but its just something I think is a better approach. Its still your map so you set it up how you want. Its still looks fun. The layout is a little confusing at first but its pretty cool once you look around.

    You can definitly send me an inv. if you want and I would love to get some games on it and then we can talk more gameplay. As it sits, its a pretty cool map with plenty of potential as long as you know what you are doing.
  7. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    @ Zombievillan - I've only tested it with up to 4 players, and didn't notice and frame rate lag. I finally got around to some split screen tests and the frame rate is fine with 2, but definitely starts dropping with 3 players.

    I totally agree with your assessment of the skinny walkways, I generally don't like what they do for gameplay. For instance the 2nd level of Atom doesn't work exactly because so much of the movement is forced through the walkways. However, my intent for Wishbone Alley was that the walkways would work more like the 2nd level of Zealot (whether I'm successful or not, only testing will tell). I haven't noticed that they're over powered yet, there is very little cover up there, and team shooting works both ways.

    For slayer gametypes, I like the idea of the rocket push off spawn, but I totally agree for objective games that this wouldn't work, in fact, I'd probably not spawn either of the power weapons at the start. I thought about spawning the teams down below the back catwalks, near GL spawn. But I didn't like spawning the teams closer to the sniper than the rocket (winner of sniper could too easily cover rockets allowing one team to get both power weapons off start too easily), and I didn't like spawning sniper between the spawn boxes because it was too good a vantage, and rockets spawning in the more close quarters area would be more powerful. For symmetrical objective, I think spawning down by GL would be best, or near needler. For asymmetrical objective, I like the idea of spawning one team at rocket spawn and the other at sniper spawn (the weapons not spawning at start).

    I'll definitely add you for some playtesting next time I'm playing it. Thanks for all your great comments.

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