I have the Halo 3 wireless mic seen below: I have two standard wireless controllers. Here's my problem. The mic only wants to sync up with one of the controllers. If I plug in the other controller the mic will reset itself to channel 2. The controller that it works with has some sticky buttons and it is getting frustrating, especially for forge. I've tried pushing the re-sync buttons on the 360 and on the mic but nothing has worked so far. Any on else have this problem? I would appreciate any guidance. Thanks!
The wireless mics have a dendency to not work with the controller that came with the console. Just use the one it works on. As far as I know, there isn't a way to fix it.
Yeah this happens to me .. I turn off the xbox and back on and then it works for me .. I have 4 controllers so not sure which one came with xbox .. Sorry man i can't help!
Eh hem, this is my problem, I am unable to use a controller with a screwed up mic port (from dropping it so many times) It believes it always has a mic in, so I am unable to use it with that controller. I hope this helps you.
Thanks Yeah, I think this is the problem. The controller thinks there is a mic in it already. I'll have to get a new controller if I want to use a mic with it. Thanks. Please lock.
What I do is turn on the xbox and then sync the mic first so its in the first spot. Then turn on your controller and they should be both on the first spot.
This is a bit late but if ne1 else needs help this is wat fixed it 4 me. What i did was connect them both so the controller was 1 nd mic was 2. Then i put my wired mic in the controller and slowly pulled it out then tapped the sync button on the mic until it was on 1 and there it is. sorta stupid but it worked
If your sticky buttons are annoying you, take the controller apart and clean the controller's buttons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCCsAaRkVCY Personally I dislike the wireless mics. They hiss and crackle too much. I never have my mic away from my controller anyway, so I just use the wired mic.