This map is brought to you by: IcedFrappuccino & Bobcat435 "Surf's up brah! Catch some tubular waves, but don't wipeout like a shoobie!" Directory 2-12 Players Recomended! ◘Hello there again, fellow forgers. As you know, it is SUMMER! Me and my friend Bobcat decided we were going to make a map in celebration of the best season of the year! We thought, hmmm...what type of map should we make? Infection was the first thought on our minds. Then we had to think, what can we do to make an interesting, never before done, addicting, and amazing map? ◘I said to myself, what do I like to do during the summer, more than anything. Surfing. That's right this map is about trying to stay alive, while surfing! ◘Okay, here is the lowdown on the map. The surfers (humans), spawn inside of the "wave arena", while the lifeguards(zombies) spawn in a long hallway, with teleporters at the end that will take them to the "wave arena". ◘Once the surfers spawn they will notice 4 dumpsters, 1 crate, 1 pallet, 1 wire spool, and 1 barrier. You might be wondering what those are, right? Those are your surf boards. There are 4 gravlifts stationed on top of the crate, pallet, wirespool, and barrier. Those are set to insta-spawn. ◘There are 4 stationary grav-lifts that spawn after 20 seconds have elapsed under the 4 dumpsters. So, once the clock hits 4:40, then jump on a dumpster! They are the most stable in the air. ◘The lifeguard(s) spawn in the backhallway of foundry. It takes them EXACTLY 20 SECONDS TO REACH THE TELEPORTER TO GET TO THE "WAVE ARENA." Once they get to the "wave arena" they have to try and get the pesky surfers off of their boards and out of the water! ◘If you survive the lifeguard's onslaught for 5 minutes, then you win! ▼Human Traits: •110% Health •100% Gravity •100% Speed •Spartan Laser Starts (Unlimited Ammo) •NO GRENADES! ▼Zombie Traits: •200% Health •200% Gravity •50% Speed •Shotgun Starts(Unlimited Ammo) •Regenerating Grenades •Forced Color PINK Surfer(s) Spawn Lifeguard(s) Spawn After 20 Seconds! Manual Lift Off! Double Wave! No lifeguard can stop meh!!! The "Wave Arena" ☺So, having read all of this, I bet you are exited and ready to play right? Well, here are some final notes before you do! ☺To maximize fun on this map, play with 6 people or more! 12 people is a blast! ☺YOU CANNOT GET OUT OF THE MAP! TRUST ME! It doesn't matter if you get 5 gravlifts going at the same time on the same spot. You can't get out! ☺This is a VERY fun and addicting map and gametype. I have played it over and over again with many different people and they all want to keep playing it over and over again. Download THE MAP! Download THE GAMETYPE!
Wow you've done it again man!!I love all your maps.This one looks extremely fun.The idea of the map is amazing.This deserves + rep but I need to spread from your last map.Your post is amazing too ,must've taken you a while.All I can say is just keep making wonderful maps and don't stop.Seriously can't wait till your next creation.Until then good luck and 10/5.
I don't know if I can truly rate this map until I play it, it looks like it would be almost too hard to stay on top of the surfboards especially when you have lasers shooting at you... I'll Dl ne ways
It is a little hard at first to stay on the surfboards! The pallet is the hardest lol. I can stay on the crate and the dumpsters the whole match now! Those are the easiest ones to stay on! Yes, the lifeguards are the zombies.
If i were you I'd update the gametype and make it a mini-game, sinced we need minigames. 8/10. i don't fully understand the point, just to stay on it appears, which would be really hard.
ya man today was epic!!!!! remember when i stuck you and you went throught the teleporter and i got a triple kil lololololololol
did you have to put me being tazed in a picture, its so hard to find you kids cuz i cant jump. something epic
Twas' the most epic thing ever! Here is the story for those who don't know. Me and Rasta were infected at the start of the round right? Well, when I got up to the teleporter I told rasta to stick me before I went through because I might get a kill for him. Well, he did and HE GOT A TRIPLE! LOL
Very good idea .. I love how life guards are killing the surfers to stop them surfing =] Great idea and a good map! =]