I can tell you spent a lot of time making sure the map was good interlocking and geomerging-wise. Sweet job! You've got my DL.
Thanks dude I appreciate the download and the feedback I hope you like playing on it If you see any problems, come back and tell me
Great... If you have any feedback to give me after trying it then feel free to. I hope you like playing it
Lots of interesting designs on this map, good work with those. I do think that the centerpiece is a bit bumpy, but there is not much you can do, I appreciate the time and effort that would have been required to construct it. I'm glad to see a decent looking map for CTF that is not strictly MLG, although it seems like there will be similar gameplay. The bunkers are a good addition, they are a great place to use your BR, but comes with the chance of being naded. I'm going to download this, I'll have a look around and see how I like the gameplay. Great work, this gets a 5/5 as of now.
wow i mean wow you should be VERY, VERY proud of this not too often do u see a map like this and not to often do u hear me say that! ( if you know me lol)... great layout and very well done interlocking! 10/10 i cant find a single thing wrong with it! Keep on Forging and good luck on any future maps... I can't see you topping this one, but im still very excited to see any future maps u plan on showing us! Good Luck! Peace!
Wow thank you very much that is possibly the best feedback I have recieved so far thank you for downloading and i hope you enjoy the gameplay.
Very cool I really like the center base and tunnel. This is very well forged and thought out. 5/5 good work
Thank you Eyeless Sid Your the first person to recognize that middle tunnel Im glad.. thanx again man
that center structure is like nothing i have ever seen before.....truly amazing, so i will be checking this out soon good job
it looks great but the ramps look a little sloppy but i know how big of a pain it can be to use it so 4.9/5 asthetics are amazing not orgional fun so yea 4.9/5
It's unique. I'll give you that. It all looks good, but the central thing looks a little questionable. Not how it's forged, just how it would play on there, can you get some pics of people fighting there, it would make it seem more important.
Yeah I see what you mean I guess you would have to play the game to understand the middle's importance
I agree , the interlocking is great on this map, and the geometric shapes are even cooler nice map 4/5