Winged[click to download] By SPAGETTIIHello everyone, This is my most recent map and it has been finished for a while it has just taken me forever to publish. When making this map the purpose was to creat an asymmetrical map with a very visually pleasing, asthetic feel to it. I believe i have done a good job of doing just that. Winged is very nice to look at but is also up to par as far as gameplay. The map is very well balanced, Supports ALL GAMETYPES, and has many great plains for battle. The map is cut in half by a giant wing-like structure that can be used to one teams advantage for "high ground". Each corner of the map offers a different, unique area for cover or battle. Another great thing about this map is the attention to detail. I went to every possible extent to make the map sooth and clean and I used teleporters to mark many significant places and to make signs. Weapons Battle Rifle x 6 Carbine x 1 Brute Shot x 1 Shotgun x 1 Mauler x 1 Sniper Rifle x 2 Plasma Rifle x 2 Equipment Overshield x 1 Active Camo x 1 Bubble Shield x 1 Regen x 1 Power Drain x 1 Plasma x 6 Frag x 4 Vehicles Ghost x 2 Fun Fact: Before being given it's final name (Winged). This map has had 4 different names. They are #1: A Map #2: BadKid 001 #3: Waves #4: Ripple #5 Winged ----PICTURES---- Overview From Snipe Area Battle Rifle Hut Opposite Side Overview Stair Case Number One: Acess to on top of wing structure Opposite Stairs: Acess to top of wing structure Battle Rifle Platform/Mauler Cave Ghost Base/Sniper Spawn # 2 Middle Passway/Shotgun Cave Action Time Baby HUUUGE THANKS TO LOCKdown For all his input and patience/map testing. I Hope You all enjoy this map Don't Forget to leave feedback after viewing.(Comment/Rate) Stay sexy
very creative layout. interlocking and merging are well done. the middle passage seems interesting and so does the rifle hut. great job
woooaaahhhh... this is awesome. i love the interlocking and stuff like that. the thing with the interlocked box and staircases looks awesome. great job 5/5
Very nice job. It's good to see a map that isn't symmetrical for a change. The structures around the map are all well thought out. The battle rifle hut is awesome. Does the middle structure remind anyone else of a spider?
its ummmmm very original in a weird odd shaped structures kind of way 4.7 out of 5.00 mainly because i can't get over how weird it is
'Bout time you posted it AWESOME map. This one is great. Very well made, and the interlocking for the most part is great. Cool name too. I really like all the little bunkers and what not. The only problem i found was that the interlocking on the center piece was quite bumpy, but played well nonetheless. oH and one of the flag spawns is very cool. In conclusion, AWESOME map, download it people... * * * * 1/2 Glad to help test it! [edit] Thanks for the thanks, lolz I iz da E1337 in the pictures
I think this a very nice looking map, but I think this would of been awesome if you covered up the not so nice looking sides of the double boxes. In my opinion it doesn't really look like it has a very original layout because on many maps people seperate Foundry with a wall in some shape like you just have. I'll rate it a 4/5 because of time and effort. -CaMOfo
Haha thanks LOCKdown ... i know it took me forever reason is that I am actually almost done with another but thanks for the feedback man i appreciate it
you totlly took that idea from my mind with the center thing. :'( looks great. good geomerging.. i will download sometime soon